Havaneser (Mein Hund fürs Leben Ratgeber).

Book Description

In this book, you will find the perfect guide to ensuring your dog's long-term health. Author Mein Hund describes in detail how to care for your canine in a safe and healthy way. Whether it's health issues, food or lifestyle changes—this book has you covered! It's filled with useful information, illustrated photos, and easy to follow advice that will allow you to take control of your pet's care and wellness. You won't need a professional vet or guru—just this helpful book!

Havaneser Автор: Мейн Хавантзэр рьютгер Если эта книга не говорит Вам ничего, вот описание: Просто мейстер, пастух, халат которого разукрашен звездами, замер на своем месте и смотрит на Вас со страницы, ожидая, когда вы будете читать его слова.


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Havaneser (Mein Hund fürs Leben Ratgeber).

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