Marketing Kit for Dummies (Alexander Hiam).

"Marketing Kit for Dummies" - это книга, которая поможет читателям создать успешную маркетинговую программу с самого начала. В книге представлены образцы форм, писем и других инструментов, которые помогут начать и реализовать успешную маркетинговую стратегию. Экспертные советы и информация, представленные в книге, уберут некоторую тайну из маркетинга и пошагово объяснят, как реализовать успешную маркетинговую стратегию. Обратите внимание: CD-ROM/DVD и другие дополнительные материалы не включены в файл электронной книги.

Publishers annually throw out millions of dollars on ad campaigns that go largely unnoticed — and unlike television or even billboard advertising spend, those millions don\'t make their way back into the marketing budget. What makes them so effective? Marketing Kit for dummies, Third Edition, supplies all the tools you need; all you do is put them to work. Covering everything from form design to cold call scripting, this easy-to-follow guidebook presents a comprehensive array of techniques for both companies with thousands of dollars to allocate and those struggling make ends meet. Featuring recently-patented tactics and strategies by marketing pro Alexander Hiam, Marketing Kit For dummies begins at the starting blocks — making adequate form attractiveness, creating winning content, formulating great follow-ups, and designing email campaigns — and moves upward through each phases of a company\'s marketing arsenal, all on your quest to learn and implement the art of finding and engage commercial success. And what\'s more, you\'ll find that doing so while making a global impact on the environments your actions touch is achieved, in this third edition which ¬— just like it\'s title suggests—has been taken to a closer, more united world; we have one Earth to make better.


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Marketing Kit for Dummies (Alexander  Hiam).

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