How are we forced to buy?

  • Автор темы ViNand
  • 208
  • Обновлено
  • 15, Jun 2020
  • #1
Remember how many times when you saw on a billboard a beautifully drawn or photographed piece of chocolate or a delicious hamburger, you went to the store for the “product you need”? But before the appearance of this picture, you did not even think about the fact that you want chocolate, cookies, sweet soda, you need this non-stick frying pan, stain remover or air freshener.

Nevertheless, you dutifully go to the store, submitting to your inner voice and empty your pockets, acquiring, at times, completely unnecessary things for you. Don't you think that advertising can somehow affect a person?
Of course, advertisers are those people who are well versed in human psychology. When creating ads, they use pressure on our subconscious levers, which are mainly based on our stereotypes that have been going on for decades. The most common of these is the shortage of goods.
For example, this very tricky move can be applied to stale goods.

You should say that there are only two pieces of any product left, how it will be swept off the shelves - you will not have time to blink an eye.

Another tricky trick that advertisers use is high price - a guarantee of good quality.

And it doesn’t matter that the wine is far from the eighteenth century, and the parquet is not made from the last South African oak.
The main thing is that the buyer believes ... An authoritative manufacturer has always aroused trust among our citizens.

Even if they do not know the specific name of a company, it doesn’t matter.

But the words "Made in Germany" will attract anyone, as if hinting at the quality of the goods.

And the fact that only one company name is registered in this country, and the factory is located in the basement of a neighboring house, few people are interested ...


29 Apr, 2012



