Chevereto - Скрипт Для Организации Хостинга Изображений

  • Автор темы Hotmax
  • 41
  • Обновлено
  • 11, Apr 2023
  • #1
Скрипт для организации хостинга изображений с большими возможностями
  • Configurable core features
    • Enable or disable features like user registration, image upload (guest/registered), random, explore, search, homepage cover, etc.

  • Website modes
    • Community and personal site-wide modes that you can highly configure
    • Configurable global website privacy mode (public/private)

  • Responsive layout
    • Responsive layout (multi-device)
    • Optimized for any screen resolution
    • Heavy optimized for image content
    • Works in phones, phablets, tablets and computers

  • Admin dashboard
    • System stats and info
    • Manage content (images, albums, users)
    • Manually create users
    • Configurable settings
      • Website (name, description, etc.)
      • Content (Privacy, listings, etc.)
      • Image upload (permissions, size, thumbs, paths, etc.)
      • User sign up methods, email confirmation, routing, etc.
      • Watermarks
      • Theme (Logo, tone, custom CSS and Js)
      • Banner codes
      • System features
      • Email configuration (SMTP)
      • Social networks
      • External services
      • External storage
      • On/off system features (explore, search, random, etc.)
      • IP bans
      • Listing settings
      • EU Cookie law compliance

  • Security features
    • IP-based banning system
      • Ban any IP from using the system
      • Set ban expiration date
      • Set ban message, or HTML display or a URL redirection

    • Configurable Flood protection
      • Avoid malicious attempts to flood your website
      • Set limits by minute, hour, week and month
      • Get flood reports instantly to your email

    • System-wide CSRF protection

  • Themes
    • Bundled with two tones (light and and dark)
    • Similar to Wordpress theme system
    • Cast any PHP code (Listings, info, external classes, etc.)
    • Add banners and links
    • Add any JS, CSS and HTML code
    • Customizable settings
      • Main active color
      • Top bar color
      • Homepage logo, title, text and call to action
      • Website logo
      • Homepage background
      • Homepage call-to-action

  • System
    • Built in classes for upload, handling, listing, etc.
    • Themes support
    • Extremely configurable (Website values, upload settings, etc.)
    • All HTML 5 based (Default theme)
    • Queue handler
    • Smart Minify code (JS, CSS)
    • Cache translations (built on top of Gettext)
    • Configurable maintenance mode
    • System notices
    • IP-based banning system
    • G\DB PDO based
    • Encoded IDs
      • Never shows the real ID of the content
      • Works by converting numeric IDs to alphanumeric representation

    • Debug modes
      • Stack traces
      • Enable/disable

  • Multi-storage servers
    • Support for unlimited storage servers
    • Set capacity and URL mapping
    • Supports Amazon S3, FTP and SFTP

  • Multi-language system
    • Bundled with 26 languages
    • Manual and Automatic language detection
    • Configurable enabled languages
    • Supports translations overrides (easy phrase editing)
    • Works with cache (fastest performance)

  • API

  • Code
    • Unencrypted source code
    • Based on own developed frameworks:

    • G\ Library
      • Cutting Edge PHP programming
      • MVC PHP micro-framework
      • Fast and lightweight
      • Object oriented
      • Namespaces
      • Routes with overrides and aliases
      • Overwrites and extensions
      • Themes

    • Peafowl framework (theme base)
      • CSS/JS front-end framework
      • Responsive
      • Font icons
      • Listings
      • Complete set of tools:
        • Alerts
        • Modal boxes
        • Form and grid elements
        • Tabs

  • External services integrations

  • Image upload
    • Unique and custom developed HTML5 uploader
    • Drag n' drop + clipboard upload from anywhere
    • Multiple image upload
    • Upload from your computer or image URL
    • Take pictures from your phone camera
    • Image resize
    • Public/private upload
    • NSWF upload flag
    • Preview queue and progress
    • Embed codes
    • Daily duplicate upload detector (IP + MD5)
    • Configurable guest uploads on/off
    • Configurable thumbnails and medium sized image
      • Set size of thumbs (fixed)
      • Set width of medium (scaled height)

    • Configurable storage mode
      • Date-folders (2015/08/10).
      • Direct (/images)

    • Configurable file naming
      • Original for keeping the original file name
      • Random for totally random filename
      • Mixed (Original + Random)
      • Image ID for file name equal to the image ID

  • Users
    • Unique user names
    • Encoded public IDs
    • Images and galleries (albums)
    • User profile
      • /username or /user/username configurable profile URLs
      • Bio
      • Social Networks login
      • BCrypted passwords
      • Avatar and profile background image
      • User albums and galleries
      • User search content
      • Counters (images and albums)

    • Multiple social networks
      • User can bind Google, Facebook, Twitter and VK to access to their accounts

    • Registration features
      • By email address + password combo
      • Social networks (configurable on/off require email address)
      • Configurable validate on/off user email address

    • User configurable settings
      • Username
      • User name (real name)
      • Email
      • Newsletter on/off
      • Show NSFW on/off
      • Language
      • Time zone
      • Profile (name, website, bio)
      • Password
      • Connected social networks

  • Images
    • Three (3) image Sizes: Thumb, medium and full (original)
    • Unique short URL (encrypted IDs with padding)
    • Image categories
    • Image loading indicator (for large images)
    • NSFW / SFW image flags
    • Full EXIF show/hide info
    • Editable values (Title, Description, Category, Album, NSFW)
    • Configurable on/off download original image
    • Configurable on/off right click on image
    • Views counter

  • Albums / User galleries
    • Public and private albums
    • Editable album descriptions, name and privacy
    • Content manager (move, delete, Etc.)
    • Set privacy (public, private, anyone with the Link)

  • Content
    • Listings
      • List by most recent, popularity and oldest
      • Built-in Bulk content manager (Multiple editing)
      • Built-in privacy scope
      • Configurable endless scrolling or classic pagination
      • Configurable fixed height or fluid (like pinterest)
      • Configurable columns number
      • Get embed codes for selected elements
      • Configurable on/off blur for NSFW content

    • Content Manager
      • Universal manager (available all system-wide)
      • Drag select for easy mass item selection
      • Manage single and multiple image or album content
      • Bulk flag content, assign category, delete, move to album, etc.
      • Manage users (dashboard)

    • Categories
      • Support for unlimited categories
      • Set name, URL and description
      • SEO friendly categories

    • Search
      • Full text search engine
      • Basic and advanced search
      • Search images, albums and users
      • Advanced search with excluded words
      • Search operators
        • category:name
        • storage:id
        • ip:

    • Share
      • Social Networks
      • Embed codes (HTML and BBCode)

    • Pages
      • Pages manager
      • Totally customizable with full PHP support
      • Support for custom URL key (page URL path)
      • Configurable settings
        • Title
        • Status (online/offline)
        • Type (internal or link)
        • Visibility
        • Link attributes (rel + target + icon)
        • Meta keywords and description (SEO)
        • Sort order

    • Additional features
      • One click configurable display EU Cookie law
      • Twitter Cards
      • Facebook Open Graph

  • SEO
    • SEO optimized titles and descriptions
    • Set Website title and description
    • Configurable SEO friendly categories
    • Usage of own content meta descriptions
    • Friendly descriptive URLs

  • Ad manager (banners)
    • Manage banners directly from admin panel
    • 16 predefined placements
    • Support any banner HTML/JS code and size

  • Watermarks
    • Adaptive watermarks
    • Protect your copyright
    • Configure watermark image, opacity and position
    • Enable/disable per user group (guest, user, admin)

  • Support
    • Direct and fast support direct from the developer
    • More than 5,000 clients and 7 years on market
    • We can help you to install, customize and extend

This is a resume of almost all that Chevereto can do. The following features have been crafted seeking for perfection in years of active development and continuous product improvements.
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06 Dec, 2006



