Adult Education and the Pursuit of Wisdom. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 131 (Tisdell Elizabeth J.).

Книга "Adult Education and the Pursuit of Wisdom. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 131" посвящена изучению природы и тайны мудрости в области образования взрослых и тому, что это может означать для практики образования взрослых в условиях сложности изменяющегося времени. В книге рассматривается природа мудрости, мудрость природы и ее связь с текущими вопросами в области образования взрослых. Затем авторы обращаются к нейронаукам и эволюции священного знания, чтобы исследовать связь между обучением и мудростью. Охватывая трансцендентную и практическую мудрость, книга затем обращается к восточным, западным и ближневосточным культурным и религиозным перспективам, чтобы развить более полное понимание мудрости. Наконец, книга рассматривает аспекты гендера и/или культуры в отношении мудрости, хотя в совершенно разных контекстах. Это 131-й том серии отчетов Jossey-Bass по высшему образованию "New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education". Отличающаяся глубиной освещения, эта незаменимая серия изучает вопросы общего интереса для преподавателей, администраторов, консультантов и политиков в широком спектре образовательных учреждений для взрослых и продолжающего образования, таких как колледжи и университеты, программы дополнительного образования, бизнес, библиотеки и музеи.

In this issue of New Directions for Continuing and Adult Education, Elizabeth J. Tisdell delves into the mysterious concept of wisdom and its place in adult educations. As times change, her research explores how wise minds can integrate learning, and how we can evolve our theories of knowing to increase self-awareness. The journal begins by examining the "wisdom of nature" as well as explaining their relation to present-day issues like environmentalism. Treads into neurology, evolution, and sacred traditions to illuminate how learners grow and acquire wisdom in their educational experience. She then moves onto practical and transcendental wisdom by referencing the cultural and idealistic perspectives of religion and politics. Alongside gender and culture, she also explores wisdom from an academic perspective, touching on the role of any individual or social structure's standpoint.

This unusual project examines the vital relationship between adult education and wisdom in all its guises. Kidnapped by the seductive splendor of such timeless ethereal notions as 'wisdom,' the authors take readers on an enlightening journey revealing the historical evidence for our concerns about intellectual resourcefulness in education, highlighting advantages and disadvantages when combining reason and faith – and even potentially marking a line between them. Here’s a peek behind the curtain at this fascinating project … Delve into the true essence of humankind’ greatest arsenal: wisdom! The quest for wisdom has become an increasingly profound force throughout history. But is it just a myth – or an unmistakable quality that flies in the face of seemingly pure reason? In other words, does education have anything to do with it at all? The volume begins to cast light on the vital role played by wisdom throughout the Asian and Western world. It also offers a physiological perspective through the juncture between consciousness, learning, and its link to wisdom. The case in Eastern philosophy and Indian thought are particularly instructive. On the other hand, Western scholars warn against conscious possession of wisdom seeking techniques as psychotherapy, as inappropriate towards people seeking “higher consciousness” in spirituality instead of sex. Is self-actualization and self-transcendence truly juxtapositioned – or could they be harmoniously integrated? One may argue, given the relevant research findings, that existence means the acquisition of a fully-formed self. And which logically links to life-long learning: a perpetual process, acutely dependent on exchange with the past! This prohibition against contemplation of one’s holdings was crystallized [clarifyingly, definitively] into paragraph 60 of the Edicts: Do not hoard up houses; do not store up equipment; do not collect garlands;–no such business! Coping with these vexed contradictions and complexities involve ‘wisdom,’ which emerges as empire enough to savvy the futile endeavors of conquerors who mired in them may find any promise of battle illusory. Trudging their path to theory and efficacy through uncertainties, adult educators regularly cope with deep and multifaceted issues. They maladapt to contingencies onerously but support diverse groups within uncertain circumstances too – cohere and dauntwhile instilling hope that tomorrow holds more wonders. This particular collection addresses quintessentially ‘adult’ challenges across diverse realms of human endeavor, from color to crime, from economics to history. Most interesting beyond the sheer variety of topics examined, are the insightful parallels drawn from fields that would not be linked, attending to the irresistibly status-defining character of education itself. Frontpage image: Lualhati Badiou during lecture Invigorating notes. Institute for National Strategic Studies said: "Educators and scholars should ensure that such clear ideas shape much of our key text books. No textbook needs to grapple with policy-making issues if it is bathed only in indecipherable jargon." Tisdell attests: "If I were the President of the United States, I might produce an executive order requiring every text book written regarding higher and adult education incorporate one page of wisdom on smart governance, because openly called out solutions embodied therein would be instrumental in preventing temporary crises from becoming chronic ails." Approaching so many different subjects in vastly different environs, yet Tisdell unrelentingly maintains her optimistic conviction that the cumulative strands woven ever since the dawn of humankind are an inconquidable force of change. Education so straightforward but whose capacity to educate rests wholly upon a firm foundation of patience. Waiting for knowledge to trickle forth cautiously through centuries if not millennia remains the stark alternative to frenzied collusion informed by outdated assumptions.


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Adult Education and the Pursuit of Wisdom. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 131 (Tisdell Elizabeth J.).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Adult Education and the Pursuit of Wisdom. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 131
  • Автор: Tisdell Elizabeth J.
  • Категория: Зарубежная образовательная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781118207840