The Analysis of Mind (Bertrand Russell).

"The Analysis of Mind", by Bertrand Russell, is an influential philosophical treatise that explores the nature of mind and cognition. Unlike many other philosophy works, Russell's work does not attempt to provide answers to fundamental questions about the world but instead focuses on discussing thought processes and the ways in which we reason.

In the book, Russell argues that we cannot completely understand the world through science and logic. Instead, he suggests that we must use both these tools and our own experience to approach understanding. He does this by first presenting a framework of rational thought and then using examples from history and literature to illustrate how this framework can be applied to real-world situations.

"The Analysis of Mind" is a difficult read for those who do not have an excellent grasp of logic and argumentation. However, if you are interested in critical thinking and philosophy, then this is definitely one of the books you should add to your library.

Эта книга – один из самых крупных трудов английского философа, математика и общественного деятеля Б.Рассела. В нем автор обосновывает рацио­налистический метод философии, доказывая его связанность со всеобщими закономерностями мира. Каждая глава работы посвящается анализу какого-либо фрагмента философской мысли. Вторая часть книги представляет собой очерк критицизма ипоцентрической морали, связанный с учением Канта и Шопенгауэра. Издание адресовано самому широкому кругу читателей.


#зарубежная психология

The Analysis of Mind (Bertrand Russell).

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