Подготовка к пенсии - сложная задача, особенно в нынешние непростые экономические времена. Люди, участвующие в пенсионных программах, ежегодно платят миллиарды в виде комиссий, и никто не заботится об их интересах, хотя закон гласит, что как спонсоры планов, так и работодатели должны действовать в интересах своих сотрудников. Факт в том, что если люди сами не начнут отстаивать свое финансовое будущее, то в их пенсионных счетах окажется меньше денег, и им придется дольше работать, чтобы накопить средства на пенсию. В книге "Остановите пенсионное надувательство" автор Дэвид Лупер дает читателям необходимые инструменты, чтобы предпринять действия и максимально использовать свои пенсионные планы. Книга предлагает дорожную карту для сотрудников, чтобы понять комиссии и издержки, связанные с их планами, а также улучшить свое положение в компании, проактивно помогая работодателю предпринять необходимые действия. В книге представлен позитивный неконфронтационный подход к доведению проблем пенсионного плана до внимания работодателя. Написанная простым и доступным языком, книга "Остановите пенсионное надувательство" дает читателям разумные стратегии для максимального использования пенсионных средств и вернет контроль над их финансовым будущим.

Stop the Retirement Ripoff: How toAvoid Hidden Fees andKeep Moreof Your Money ByDavid Loeper The retirement saving process can be a dauntingor confusing task.Historic rising inflationhas already reduced many individuals'expected retirementincome.With the current economic environment,few retirement accountsare actually invested into stocks that wouldattract moreinterested investors on short notice.Two large groups,pension plansponsorsand employers,are making a profit from thoseindividuals'desirefor security.It is urgent to stopthe retirement rip-offthat is occurring because these two hard-charging parties never consider the possible short-sighted use of retirement accountsor how savings mightbeachieved withouthaving to postponea secure life to what seems like an uncertain future. This book by DavidLoeper takes a non-confrontationalbut positive approach towardthis issue.He was tasked by NationalRetirement Affairs (NRA)President Justin Bell to publish adiscussionon how employees can fight off the retirement ripoff without a ruckus.There arecredible suggestions forconnecting with an employerthat fall under an act of assuming that the intentions of both parties are aiming to guarantee greater personalfinancial fortunes for retirees.This book owes much to an extremelyinteresting approach that deserves individualstudy for a full understanding of what is at stake.The decision-makingflow chart provided by this book relates all general fees to probable outcomes,thus providing guidancetaking intoconsideration the desired result for each considerate employee.Obviously,it is not realistic to waitfor a perfect reactionfrom theparticipating employerbecause it is the employerwho seems to be the larger fish in the pond of retirement especially because itseemsthe bigger party in the negotiation game in any working strategy.

Электронная Книга «Stop the Retirement Rip-off. How to Avoid Hidden Fees and Keep More of Your Money - David Loeper B.» написана автором David Loeper B. в году.

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Язык: Английский

ISBN: 9780470480281

Описание книги от David Loeper B.

Saving for retirement is a difficult task, especially during these challenging economic times. Individuals who participate in their retirement plans are being charged billions in fees annually—and no one is looking out for their best interests—even though the laws say both plan sponsors and employers should be held responsible for acting in their employees’ best interests. The fact is that unless individuals are willing to stand-up and secure their financial future, they’re likely to face less money in their retirement plan accounts and have to work longer to accumulate the funds they need for retirement. In Stop the Retirement Rip-off, author David Loeper provides the necessary tools for readers to take action and make the most of their retirement plans. It offers a road map for employees to understand the fees and costs associated with their plans; as well as improve their standing within their company by proactively helping their employer to take needed action. The book features a non confrontational positive approach to bringing your retirement plan problems to the attention of your employer. Written in a straightforward and accessible style, Stop the Retirement Rip-off provides readers with sensible strategies for making the most of their retirement funds, and will put them back in control of their financial future.

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Автор: David Loeper B.
  • Категория: Личные финансы
  • Тип: Электронная Книга
  • Язык: Английский
  • Издатель: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9780470480281

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