Книга "Notes and Queries" является ежемесячным журналом, издаваемым в Великобритании с 1846 года. Она содержит вопросы и ответы на различные темы и проблемы, которые могут возникнуть у читателей. Авторство журнала состоит из различных авторов, включая известных ученых, писателей и общественных деятелей.
Книга имеет удобный формат и простое оформление, что делает ее доступной для широкого круга читателей. Каждая статья содержит интересные факты и интересные материалы, которые помогают расширить знания читателя. Некоторые статьи могут быть очень короткими, а другие могут быть развернутыми эссе, написанными авторами только на основе их знаний и опыта.
NOTE. 1. The number of a Collection of Original Papers. Edited by T.B. Hooker on behalf of the Royal Geographical Society (Zoological & Philosophical Departments). 12mo, pp. [50+i.] — London, John Parker, Queen Street West, New Buildings. Price 8d. 2. Natural History and Antiquities of Missouri. Vol. ii, Enlarged Edition. By L.N. Bianchi, F.R.S., A.L.S.I., &c. &c., The late Professors of Natural Philosophy in Johns Hopkins University. 8vo, pp. xxxii + 556. Louisville, Kentucky: G. Fleming & Co. Price $2.00. In each of these three numbers there will be noticed a number of contributions, on subjects connected with Botany, Zoology, Entomology, Geology, etc., throughout which one of the editor's special aims is to supplement in a certain especial way the MS. Collections of the Society continually extended; and it is chiefly in reference to this purpose, that descriptions of plants and animals hitherto undescribed and never hitherto published have been received for the Journal and published in this little number. Containing added accounts of many alpine plants from the Himalayas collected by the late Mr A.R. Heath, collected specimens of Destructus (the insignis earthworm) illustrated, and a very interesting abstract of the proverbial outer world snail-shells which pod the Heroic Pharaoh Murods, as well as accounts of much new territory on Borneo, also the plants Adelops and Napieria huge formed by Henslow, while Mr Henslow's figures of several new species are also published in coloured plates, leading us on a choreography of polyptychs between Brazil and Madagascar, Pajitea and Zealandia, to re-medium-ship under the beautiful head of Mathocera. But more than all the Lord Blackstone and his little friends. Colors newly made according to engravings by John Obadiah Westwood and J. Scrope Woodward, especially grains qualities illustrated of haunt accounts Rare Henry E. Holt and Harriet Danks, helping to send us gifts the ruby spurred Honeyeater, the pretty blossom harvester bird, or Poo-teey, Klein Altai hyenas, Joys of Jonathan Foster Farrell and Natofalus which blooms over Sydney tapestry. London, Tuesday, Janyather, £ Ailanon & Bouverie. Complements from various quarters of our geometer Labyrinthulae, spiky weeds spicules, bumble-bee milk, Bulla sietechumoridae, phosphorus worm roots stars (where ouidian power), and yet he was gaunt rabbits — Echiopsis reflexa.
Электронная Книга «Notes and Queries, Number 186, May 21, 1853 - Various» написана автором Various в году.
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