The design of a boutique of women's clothing

  • Автор темы ViNand
  • 211
  • Обновлено
  • 15, Jun 2020
  • #1
When creating a women's clothing boutique, such a store should include the development of the interior design of the room, technical features (arrangement of equipment, lighting), zoning of the space and its maximum use.
Particular attention should be paid to the brand of clothing that is planned to be sold.

Interior design is mainly determined by the brand of goods in the boutique.

So that the buyer does not have doubts about purchasing high-quality items of this particular brand, the premises where clothes of international brands are sold should have the same design of outlets located in other countries.

It will be convenient and convenient for customers to shop in the store if the creators correctly distribute the boutique zones.
Fashionable and new, expensive products should be displayed on the right side to attract, since most often buyers go in this direction.

On the far side of the store you can place clothes of lower cost.

The spacious bright room of the boutique and fashionable color combinations will leave a pleasant impression on visitors.
It is not recommended to overload the trading floor with more than three artistic elements. Lighting plays an important role, stimulating a person to buy things, creating an aesthetic and attractive image of the store.
The lighting project must comply with the entire interior design, its concept.

The low level of sales will not be long in coming if illumination directions and places are chosen incorrectly.

Accent lighting is based on the identification of groups of goods (skirts, blouses, trousers) with track systems, metal halide searchlights, halogen lamps, etc.
Each type of lighting requires each area of the boutique.

This is, say, a trading floor, changing rooms.

The colors of chandeliers and fixtures also affect the whole look of the store.

Having thought over all the interior details for a women's clothing store, you can create a very interesting boutique that will attract many buyers.


29 Apr, 2012



