Pdf Customiser

  • Автор темы khalil
  • 11
  • Обновлено
  • 06, Apr 2023
  • #1
Layout/design options:
  • Choose from 2 flexible layout options in the backend
  • Customise page margins
  • Choose A4 or letter page sizes
  • Change the font size
  • Choose from system fonts (Times New Roman, Helvetica, Courier, Arial Chinese/Korean/Japanese), Dejavu fonts, or upload your own font
  • Further layout customisations can also be achieved by theming the *.phtml files that come with Pdf Customiser (this is not done via the backend - basic html/Magento theming knowledge is required)

Add the following to pdfs:
  • Company logo (different placement options available)
  • Background images (eg. company letterhead)
  • Store address
  • Customer billing, shipping and/or email addresses
  • Base and/or order currency
  • Delivery date (invoice only)
  • Order history with comments
  • Gift messages
  • Customer order comments added by a range of 3rd party extensions (check out the FAQ for details)
  • Order number (can also be displayed as a barcode)
  • Integrated labels with billing and/or shipping addresses (for invoice and shipment pdfs)
  • Footers
  • Custom text (eg. customer number, discount code for next order, marketing message...)

Product options:

Tax settings:
  • Add business and/or customer tax numbers
  • Include tax information required by your country or local jurisdiction
  • Honours your settings to display order totals as tax inclusive or exclusive (unlike default Magento pdfs)

Additional features:
  • Change the title and control the file name of each pdf document
  • Automatically attach customised pdf files to sales emails (file size reduction of up to 90%)
  • Adds new Order Confirmation pdf document type
  • Control the order of totals (subtotal, discount, tax, shipping costs etc)
  • Bypass the standard work flow order to print packing slips before shipping
  • Digitally sign pdfs for extra security
  • Customers can download customised pdf documents from the frontend, even when not logged in
  • Choose to open pdfs in a new browser window
  • Multi store capable

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03 Apr, 2011



