Life and Teaching of the Buddha. Movie, Quotes, Directions

  • Автор темы ViNand
  • 152
  • Обновлено
  • 22, Jun 2020
  • #1

Put to death the analyzing intellect, pierce it with one blow and throw it to hungry dogs. Be your own lighting fixtures. It is difficult to find a noble person: not everywhere he is born.

But where such a wise one is born, a happy race flourishes there. Everything in the world is transient, has no constant substance, and therefore is full of sorrow.

What kind of laughter, what kind of joy, when the world is constantly burning? Covered in darkness, why aren’t you looking for the light? Look at this adorned image, at a body full of flaws, made up of parts, painful, full of many thoughts in which there is neither certainty nor constancy.

This body is worn out, a nest of diseases, perishable; this putrid pile decomposes, for life has its end - death.

The cause of suffering is a thirst for being, desire, passion, attraction.

One can free oneself from suffering only by abandoning desires, suppressing all the passions within oneself.

There is no immutable essence in this world.

Everything is continuously in aimless running.

Bliss is peace, but in the Universe we cannot find it anywhere.

Wherever we cast our eyes, everywhere languor, dissatisfaction, tireless pursuit of our own shadow, resolution and new creation, which, in turn, rushes towards death. A sense of ownership is measured not by things, but by thoughts.

You can have things and not be the owner.

Neither in heaven, nor in the middle of the ocean, nor in a mountain cleft, if one penetrates into it, there is no place on earth where death does not triumph over the living.

One day of virtuous and self-deepened is better than the centennial existence of a vicious and licentious man.

The mind of one who is in no hurry to do good finds pleasure in evil.

Do not think lightly of evil; "It will not come to me." After all, the jug is filled from falling drops.

The foolish is filled with evil, even gradually accumulating it. If the arm is not injured, poison can be carried in the arm.

The poison will not hurt those without wounds.

He who does not do evil is not subject to evil. Gautama Buddha Three disciples of Buddha persistently asked him to let them experience a miracle.

Buddha placed everyone in a dark room and locked them.

After a long time, he called them and asked about what they saw.

Each told a different vision. But the Buddha said: “Now you must agree that miracles are not useful, because you did not feel the main miracle.

For you could feel being beyond sight, and this sensation could direct you beyond the earth. But you continued to recognize yourself as sitting on the ground, and your thoughts drew waves of the elements to the earth.

The swelling of elemental forms caused shocks in different countries.

You destroyed the rocks and destroyed the ships in a hurricane.

You saw a red beast with a fiery crown, but the fire you extracted from the abyss burned the houses of the defenseless - go and help!

You saw a lizard with the appearance of a virgin, you made waves wash off fishing boats - hurry to help!

So you saw an eagle flying, and a hurricane brought down the harvest of the working people - go and reimburse!

Where is your benefit, my disciples? An owl in a hollow had a better time.

Either you sweat your face on the earth, or in the moment of solitude elevate yourself above the earth.

But let the senseless indignation of the elements be an occupation of the wise! Truly a feather that has fallen from the wing of a small bird produces thunder on distant worlds.

Inhaling the air, we join all the worlds. The wise one goes up from the earth, for the worlds will reveal their wisdom to one another.

” *************************** One day, a shepherd saw a Buddha sitting under a tree in thought.

He sat next to him and tried to think, imitating the Blessed One. He began to count his rams and mentally weigh the benefits of their rune. Both sat in silence.

Finally, the shepherd asked: “Sir, what are you thinking about?” Buddha said: “About God.” The shepherd asked: "Do you know what I was thinking?" "Also about God." “You are mistaken.

The benefits of selling a rune! ” “Verily, also of God.

Only my God has nothing to sell, your God must first go to the market.

But maybe on the way he will meet a robber who will help him turn to this tree.


Parable of the seller of monkeys:

A monkey seller was sailing on the ship.

In his spare time, he taught them to imitate sailors, as they sailed.

But the storm rose, the sailors rushed to clean up the gear.

The monkeys, knowing only how to dissolve, followed along and pulled on gear.

The ship was lost, for the teacher foresaw only clear weather.


Once a disciple came to Buddha who wanted miracles - they say, "after a miracle I will believe."

Buddha smiled sadly and showed him a great miracle.

The student exclaimed: “Now I agree under Your arm to go through the steps of the Teaching!”

But the Buddha showed him the door and said: "Now I no longer need you."


Finally, a fun verse))

Outsmart trying maru

And protect yourself from troubles

I took two wheels of Samsara ...

and invented a bicycle

But I did not cross the border

Togo earthly being

I "border guards" broke the needles

Leaving the vehicle without a steering wheel

... ..

Then I went to the Buddha

with the issue of immigration

he advised to go

reincarnation process


29 Apr, 2012



