Strategic Management in the Knowledge Economy (Michael Gibbert).

Из-за драматических сдвигов в экономике знаний, эта книга предлагает значительный отход от традиционных концепций и практики стратегического менеджмента. Предназначенная как для продвинутых студентов, так и для бизнес-менеджеров, она представляет уникальное сочетание новой теории стратегического менеджмента, тщательно отобранных статей по стратегическому менеджменту видных ученых, таких как Гэри Хэмел, Майкл Портер, Питер Сенге, и реальных кейсов. Помимо этого, авторы связывают мощные новые ориентиры в мышлении о стратегическом менеджменте, включая концепции Динамики Социокультурной Сети, Системных Счетных Карт и Управления Знаниями Клиентов, с практическими бизнес-задачами и решениями компаний с превосходными показателями (Lafite-Rothschild, Who's Who, Holcim, BRL Hardy, Kuoni BTI, Deutsche Bank, Unisys, Novartis).

In recent years, the role of knowledge in the business landscape has undergone dramatic changes, offering significant departures from canonical strategic management discourse. Michael Gibbert provides a responsive, sophisticated, and practical approach to strategic management in a knowledge economy that caters to advanced learners and informed professionals alike. This book encompasses traditional strategic theory and breakthrough thinking, combining a rich variety of preeminent authors including Gary Hamel and Michael Porter. Additionally, through a comprehensive array of real world case studies, actionable theory is invoked, drawing connections between powerful theoretical principles and dynamic application in real-world economic contexts and settings (e.g., Lafite Rothschild, WhosWho, Holcim). As the savings in human resource costs of offshoring, increased connectivity, global pooling of production factors and megacorporations, the academy needs updated and relavant contributions in strategic thinking to keep pace with a disrupting knowledge economy.

This book which is fresh in its approach to strategic management concepts, serves both senior undergraduates and professional business managers. It explores new theories of strategic management through carefully selected essays conducted by leading authors such as Michael Porter and Peter Senge. The book draws strongly on these new ideas and novel benchmarks in thinking about strategic management


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Strategic Management in the Knowledge Economy (Michael Gibbert).

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