Smalltalk: DER 2 WOCHENKURS - SMALLTALK LEICHT GEMACHT! Smalltalk lernen in 2 Wochen mit 15 täglichen Übungen (So können auch Schüchterne Smalltalk lernen) Mit Bonus: Selbstzweifel ablegen! (Mariana Seiler).

Книга "Smalltalk: der 2-wöchigen Kurs als Buch : Smalltalk leicht gemacht" книга о том, как легко и непринужденно начать диалог с другими людьми, даже если вы не очень уверенны в себе или интроверт. Автор рассказывает, почему необходимо научиться вести беседы на разные темы, чтобы вызывать симпатию у окружающих и заводить новые знакомства.

After this course, you will have no problems starting conversations and holding smalltalk; you'll know precisely how to approach new people in social settings, and you won't suffer from stage fright when having to present yourself or your work to colleagues or clients. Here is what you can expect:

See why you don't need confidence like a professional host of a debate award ceremony to get through smalltalk successfully. Anyone can do it - and it's much easier than you think! This book teaches you how to put down your inhibitions, allowing your to effortlessly engage with new people and break the ice. You'll also learn how introverted individuals can successfully strike up smalltalk just as fast and as easily as extraverted ones once they understand how to cleverly start off their engaging conversations. It's all here in a two-week course that allows you to overcome your fears and trains you at the same time to master the art of smalltalk. As an added bonus, you'll get access to 3 straightforward ways on conquering your self-doubts. After having read this book, you can easily and comfortably initiate conversations with others and smoothly engage in smalltalk sessions; make friends and build meaningful connections. Don't waste time, grab this guide now, learn the art of engaging in smalltalk, and connect with more people! (People who are even *considerably* timid can work its lessons effectively) Key words: Smalltalk learning session for beginners, smalltalk for newbies, smalltalk basics, social skills


#зарубежная психология

Smalltalk: DER 2 WOCHENKURS - SMALLTALK LEICHT GEMACHT! Smalltalk lernen in 2 Wochen mit 15 täglichen Übungen (So können auch Schüchterne Smalltalk lernen) Mit Bonus: Selbstzweifel ablegen! (Mariana Seiler).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Smalltalk: DER 2 WOCHENKURS - SMALLTALK LEICHT GEMACHT! Smalltalk lernen in 2 Wochen mit 15 täglichen Übungen (So können auch Schüchterne Smalltalk lernen) Mit Bonus: Selbstzweifel ablegen!
  • Автор: Mariana Seiler
  • Категория: Зарубежная психология
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783745078954