Pensa Come Un Boss (Luke Eisenberg).

Книга Pensa come un Boss. Автор Люк Айзенберг. Слишком мало времени и денег, все надоело. Не отчаивайтесь и не пытайтесь обмануть себя этими отговорками, только настойчивость и готовность идти вперед может сделать вас по-настоящему счастливыми. Эта книга расскажет вам как стать успешным, о важности позитивного мышления, а также поделится секретами, которые помогут добиться успеха.

Think Like A Boss: Develop A Strong Mindset To Achieve Your Goals Too little money, not enough time. No desire? What excuses did you use lately? But all these excuses won't help you get a well-defined life. Only people seeking solutions, taking advantage of opportunities can go on in life. You'll learn how to achieve success with the power of your thoughts and why positive thinking is so important. This guide will teach you which tactics should be used to reach your personal success and dreams and how you can achieve your goals with the right MINDSET mindset. "Success starts in the mind – from mental strength to success". Donit wanite it to be just a dream. Do something good for yourself and take the time to read this guide. Take the first step towards a happy and fulfilled life. Try it - it's worth it!


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Pensa Come Un Boss (Luke Eisenberg).

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