Stakeholder-Kapitalismus (Klaus Schwab).

Stakeholder capitalism is the author Klaus Schwarb's book. The global economy is flawed, noted for its global upheavals, uncertainty, and lack of sustainability. However, it is possible to replace this current economic system with another that works well for all people and the planet. What must we do for this? First, we need to eliminate growing income inequality within society where productivity and wage growth are slowing down. Secondly, we must reduce the inhibiting effect of the monopolistic market power of large corporations on innovation and productivity increases. And finally, we must end the short-sighted exploitation of natural resources that destroys the environment and negatively affects the lives of many people.

The debate about the causes of the broken economy is multifaceted, ranging from laissez-fair governance to poorly managed globalization to the rise of technology in favor of a few elite names. Schwarb's argument has successfully demonstrated that our current system will continue to fail if we do not begin to recognize the true nature of our problems. To help us see our challenges more clearly, Schwarb - founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum - looks for the real causes of our system's shortcomings and solutions from proven practices around the world at such diverse locations as China, Denmark, Ethiopia, Germany, Indonesia, New Zealand and Singapore. During his research, Schwarb finds examples of new ways that provide hope, including: - Individual action: how countries and policy can make a difference compared to great external forces. - Clear societal contract: agreeing on common values and goals allows governments, economies, and individuals the chance to achieve the best results. - Planning for future generations: shortsighted thinking harms our shared future and the future of those who have yet to be born. - Better benchmarks for economic success: moving away from the short-term focus on gross domestic product towards more comprehensive, human-centered benchmarks of societal well-being. Throughout the detailed description of our current situation, the proposed Stakeholder Capitalism is capable of highlighting achievable ways to resolve our problems, chapter by chapter demonstrating to us Professor Schwarb that there are opportunities for everyone, on all levels of society, to reshape the broken parts of the global economy and - land by land, business by business, and citizen by citizen - reassemble them to benefit all.

Книга швейцарского экономиста Клауса Шваба «Капитализм участников» посвящена созданию нового вида общественно-экономической организации, способной обеспечить гармоничные отношения людей и цивилизацию.


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Stakeholder-Kapitalismus (Klaus Schwab).

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