Roar! Get Heard in the Sales and Marketing Jungle. A Business Fable (Kevin Daum).

"Roar! Get Heard in the Sales and Marketing Jungle. A Business Fable" - это увлекательная парафраза о бизнесе, которая рассказывает о Райане Миллере, менеджере, столкнувшемся с проблемами продаж в сложной экономической ситуации. Райан получает наставления от своего друга Ленни Бернштейна из Ливингстона, штат Нью-Джерси, который теперь живет и работает в Бруклине и имеет большой успех в своем бизнесе по упаковке. За обедами в разных местах Нью-Йорка Ленни делится с Райаном ключевыми идеями, которые помогли ему увеличить продажи и эффективно управлять бизнесом, при эт

Get your message heard in the sales and marketing jungle—a business fable•that’s more than•a business book. It’s a journey into the mind of an executive who’s doing it all and just missing the mark. Don’t let the title scare you: Stay at ease. Kevin Daum, Austin’s most readily acknowledged successful influencers, is here to help you make your voice heard, ROAR with confidence, even if you’re the vice president of no-name company. Daum’s head-turner: a marketing-sales mentorship novel •of shades• I don’t like marketing or sales. Why should I buy this? I own a brick-and-mortar, bustling brick and mortar. The word brick is perfection incarnate. But here we go: There are 4 types of customers. What?! \ ••••••• Never heard of those before.\ You’ll predict each of them and watch your prospects as surely as you watched your favorite movie few weeks back. In life, there are three weapons a leader must have: < um • well, they’re about reassurance and relationships. Come on. Really? This is middle life booooom? Or top quarter live overdone? Funny, too, although seductive, Daum here bolsters •why anyone would •pursue such an < escape hatch. Writing is powerful, gratuitous, empowering


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Roar! Get Heard in the Sales and Marketing Jungle. A Business Fable (Kevin  Daum).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Roar! Get Heard in the Sales and Marketing Jungle. A Business Fable
  • Автор: Kevin Daum
  • Категория: Зарубежная деловая литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9780470609835