Mapping. A Critical Introduction to Cartography and GIS (Jeremy Crampton W.).

Mapping: A Critical Introduction to Cartography and GIS - это введение в критические вопросы, связанные с картографией и геоинформационными системами (ГИС) в широком диапазоне дисциплин для непрофессионального читателя. Книга рассматривает ключевые влияния, которые ГИС и картография оказывают на изучение географии и других связанных дисциплин. Она представляет первое в подробностях описание "новой картографии", которая появилась с начала 1990-х годов. В книге объясняется, что такое новая критическая картография, почему она важна и как она связана с широким междисциплинарным кругом читателей. Книга содержит теоретические обсуждения, дополненные реальными кейс-стади. Mapping также объединяет техническое понимание ГИС и картографии с пониманием важности теории.

Mapping: A Critical Introduc-tion to Cartography & GIS. 2014. Jeremy Crampton. Jane Lewis Publisher, 304 pages (hardcover). ISBN: 9789350882485.

This book is introductory textbook to cartography. It provides an overview of cartography and Geographical Information System (GIS). The writer discusses issues that point to the center of concern of management and addressing areas like the COVID-19 pandemic. The content of this book is useful, for example, it will support general practitioners and students, public administrators, emergency operators, journalists (the work experiences make the book less difficult for beginners in geography) or citizens. One of the advantages of this textbook is the well-structured chapters. That has been made deliberately, because the chapters explains similar topics subsequently. This way helps the reader works faster, by means of understanding according the content comprehensively and sitting on the basic knowledge correctly. Cartography was described and discussed from different positions and angles with the help variety of sources and examples, including fiction. Usefulness and importance of such features were illustrated with plenty of pictures and tables. I appreciate the solid coverage of working with software in particular, as it shows how this tool could be applied efficiently. Provided historical context was useful for reviewing, comparing and observing arising challenges. And always, whatever topic is covered, you are encouraged to ask questions and refocus. This last does not have to be performed persuasively (much), but makes the process more dynamic and full. Missing references make the writing sometimes hard to catalog. Some sections conflate, which is likely due to lack of time/funding applicable authors.


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Mapping. A Critical Introduction to Cartography and GIS (Jeremy Crampton W.).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Mapping. A Critical Introduction to Cartography and GIS
  • Автор: Jeremy Crampton W.
  • Категория: Научно-популярная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781444317428