Book 'Insel im Zwielich' by J. B. Hagen is a mystery thriller that explores the mysterious past of an old mansion in France. The author, Annabel Lockheart, sets out to uncover the secrets of a forgotten island in the Canal du Sancy and publish a book about it.

In the 1920s and 1930s, the mansion was a luxurious hotel known as the "Noble Hotel" for the wealthy and beautiful. During the occupation, it was used as a hospital. In the late 1940s it became an elite boarding school for boys. However, over the years people have disappeared or been murdered, and those who later returned as restless ghosts.

Annabel's research has been limited, but she has managed to piece together most of the puzzle. As the story unfolds we find ourselves in a dazzling whirlpool of intrigue and deception, intersecting with the multiple lives of the colorful characters as well as a deeper connection with a father's death.



Insel im Zwielicht (J.B. Hagen).

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