The Handbook of Plant Genome Mapping (Guenter Kahl).

Книга “The Handbook of Plant Genome Mapping” авторства Guenter Kahl рассказывает о том, как расшифровать геном растения и какие методы используются для этого. Книга является ценным источником информации для ученых и исследователей, которые работают в области биологии растений и генетики.

В книге описаны основные этапы работы с растениями, начиная от сбора образцов и заканчивая анализом полученных данных. Особое внимание уделяется методам секвенирования ДНК и анализу полученных данных.

Книга также содержит информацию о различных типах растений, их генетических особенностях и разнообразии. Она помогает понять, как устроены растения и как можно использовать их для решения различных научных и практических задач.

Кроме того, книга содержит описание различных методов генной инженерии, которые могут быть использованы для улучшения качества растений и повышения урожайности.

Таким образом, книга “The Handbook of Plant Genome Mapping” является ценным руководством для ученых, работающих в области биологии и генетики растений. Она поможет понять, как работает геном растений и как его можно использовать для решения различных задач в науке и промышленности.

While the complete sequencing of myriad types of organisms, including numerous bacteria and archea, the yeasts Saccharomyces cervisiae, the worms Caenorhabdittis elegans and the flies Drosophila melanogaster as well as the mouse and the human genomes has received a lot of public attention, genome mapping of plants has lagged considerably behind. So far, just two plant genomes—of the model organism Arabidopsis tahli and rice, Oryza sativ—have already been sequenced while a number of other elite crop genomes sequencing initiatives are in progress. Moreover, public attention seems to be focused mainly on genomics of animal and human subjects. Such enormous interest in the area of genomics is, however, crucial both for basic science and practical, industrial-scale applications. This applies to various disciplines, ranging from agriculture to breeding (both artificial and natural) to evolutionary genetics to biotechnology to food science. To thoroughly understand the composition and overall structure of elite crop plants is crucial for future research efforts as it opens the door to a more profound understanding of the relationship between molecular components and diversity. Furthermore, good knowledge of plant genome structure is crucial to advance technological development. For instance, polyploidization or genome duplication is the driving force behind large-scale evolutionary processes in plants. Knowing how all the autosome and nucleolus organoids and organellar DNA combine with each other ultimately leads to a better understanding of protein biosynthesis and hence improves synthetic biology. Surely, this requires the merging and deep study of both genetic and physical aspects of genome structure. Therefore, 'Handbook of Genome Mapping'—a book that covers these current hot topics extremely thoroughly through and provides insights into both genetic and physial aspects of whole organism DNA structure—offers much to offer scholars, researchers and beginners alike both terractively and across a broad variety of disciplines. But with the growing popularity of this book as a landmark text, it won't just serve as an incredible bible for scholars, but also offers an exhaustive education resource for anybody interested in genomics and the many useful techniques, discoveries and strategies involved. After all, surely varying levels of knowledge, competency and expertise come into play during coursework on courses on 'Genome Mapping'.And so, not only are ambitious researchers hand-picked to showcase cutting-edge discoveries but, in the long term, comprehensive education becomes increasingly more accessible to even non-professionals in this ever-expanding field. Indeed, bridging the informational gap between experts and students alike will undoubtedly accelerate our approach to understanding plant genomics as a whole, fulfilling a major scientific necessity while also providing a competitive edge to our global agricultural output—one plant genome at a time.


#научно-популярная литература

The Handbook of Plant Genome Mapping (Guenter  Kahl).

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