Early Intervention (Группа авторов).

"Early Intervention" - это сборник наилучших статей известных исследователей в области работы с маленькими детьми в раннем возрасте. Книга представляет собой обзор современных теорий, исследований и практики в области ранней интервенции. Она содержит статьи, посвященные различным аспектам развития детей и методам вмешательства. Каждая статья вводится и контекстуализируется редактором.

This book covers current theoretical, research and practical issues in early intervention with young children by bringing together some of the most recent papers from prominent researchers concerned with the topic. It is a collection of the very best papers on early intervention and brings together the latest theoretical approaches, research findings and practical concerns in this area.The book covers varied topics in child development and intervention and each paper is preceded by an introductory note from the editor, outlining its significance.

Early Intervention is a Reader that covers current theoretical issues, significant findings from research and best practices in work with young children in early intervention (EI).

The contents include 15 rigorous research articles authored by some of the world's most important scholars in this field who have produced work of vital importance to the health and well-being of children around the globe. The articles in this Reader have been carefully selected to ensure they form a representative sampling of contemporary research perspectives and promote understanding of their implications for policy development, clinical decision-making, and effective intervention with infants, toddlers and their families.

Each of the articles is introduced through an introduction written by the editors, which reflects on the scope and significance of contribution to both theoretical developments and applied innovations in the area, while contextualising each article's findings within broader cross-disciplinary understandings of childhood development.

Readers who are attending programmes in infant mental health, child development, psychological therapy, early childhood education (ECE), childcare, family support, paediatric medicine or social work will find this collection valuable. It would also be suitable for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate trainees across these varied areas, as well as professionals working in non-governmental organisations, NGOs and human service agencies in the fields of ECE and social intervention, international developmental, disability rights and multicultural/multilingual development.


#общая психология

Early Intervention (Группа авторов).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Early Intervention
  • Автор: Группа авторов
  • Категория: Общая психология
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9780470754832