M&A Disputes. A Professional Guide to Accounting Arbitrations (Gerald Hansen M.).

Книга "M&A Disputes. A Professional Guide to Accounting Arbitrations" - профессиональное руководство по арбитражным спорам, связанным с бухгалтерскими вопросами в области слияний и поглощений компаний. В книге представлены различные аспекты таких споров, включая оценку бизнеса, финансовые отчеты, международные стандарты финансовой отчетности, налогообложение и многое другое. Авторы книги, являющиеся экспертами в области финансового права и арбитража, предоставляют читателям практические советы и рекомендации по решению сложных споров в этой области. Книга будет полезна для юристов, бухгалтеров, финансистов и других специалистов, работающих в области слияний и поглощений компаний.

M&A Disputes provides professionals in the areas of financial accounting, auditing, and management consulting with a sound knowledge of M&A transactions to avoid legal disputes. Dr. Gerald Hansen takes you through the process step by step and explains in detail what comprises M&A agreements and what is involved in transactions of this kind. Beginning with the pre-deal phase you can learn how to get to know the company as well as how you conduct due diligence to prevent human errors, which may lead to surprises during the deal process. Further, you are introduced to key insurance concepts including proxy signing, board representations, and the transfer of rights of claim. Following the closing, concerns over tax and accounting treatment make them interesting reading points for experienced auditors as well new recruits from academia. Real life accounting cases taught to you put pressure on knowledge its application in practice. You will also learn about the pros and cons of each method of allocation. Beware, however, that those who don't like their way of working may feel a tug of war over their domains of control needing to integrate into business practices.


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M&A Disputes. A Professional Guide to Accounting Arbitrations (Gerald Hansen M.).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: M&A Disputes. A Professional Guide to Accounting Arbitrations
  • Автор: Gerald Hansen M.
  • Категория: Зарубежная деловая литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781119331933