Outsmarting the Scam Artists. How to Protect Yourself From the Most Clever Cons (D. Shadel).

"Outsmarting the Scam Artists. How to Protect Yourself From the Most Clever Cons" - это практическое руководство по избежанию наиболее распространенных мошеннических схем от эксперта по борьбе с мошенничеством. Каждый год американские потребители теряют миллиарды долларов из-за мошенников, и следующей жертвой можете быть вы. Хотя любой может стать целью, многие жертвы являются пожилыми людьми. В книге Дуг Шадел, известный борец с мошенничеством, предлагает практические советы для потребителей, которые хотят защитить свои деньги, а также финансовые активы своих родителей и семьи. Несмотря на то, что мошенничество все чаще встречается в повседневной жизни, многие люди стесняются признаться, что они стали жертвами. Автор помогает прервать цикл стыда, включая рассказы людей, которые были обмануты, а также советы от удивительного источника: осужденных мошенников, которые раскрывают, как они обманывали людей, как вы. Вы получите практические советы для борьбы со всевозможными схемами мошенничества, от простых лотерейных билетов до несуществующих сделок с нефтью и газом и религиозных понци-схем. Вы узнаете, как защитить себя, обезопасив свой почтовый ящик и защитив свой мусор от мошенников. Вы также узнаете, как думают и действуют изощренные мошенники, чтобы стать тем типом человека, которого они избегают. Мошенники везде. Но с книгой "Outsmarting the Scam Artists" вы можете защитить себя и свои деньги.

Outsmarting The Scam Artists: How To Protect Yourself Against The Cleverest Fakers. By D. Shadel, a practical guide on tackling the most common swindles from an expert on fraud fighting. US consumers lose Billions of Dollars Upwards Each Year To Scammers, And The Next Victim Maybe You. Although anyone can fall victim, seniors often do. In OutSmarting The Filler Artists, Douglas Shadel provides practical advice to consumers wanting to keep their money safe as well as that of their parents, while also introducing valuable accounts from people duped into giving money and confessions from convicted fraudsters on how they prey on individuals like yourselves. Get face-palm-free and download and glean practical tips on dealing with all manner of swindlers, ranging from fake lotteries to nonexistent oil & gas deals to fraudulent religion and ponzi scams. Factor in sheltering yourself through registering your mail and spotting possible fraud in the recycling bin too. Find yourself as an artist or target of would-be fraud artists and work out how you schools yourself at attracting swindlers. Scammers Simply Are Everywhere. But using Outsmarting You Them, you should be timming them learned edges.

In recent years, people have lost billions of dollars to clever scam artists, but the battle against fraud is not hopeless. Fraud-fighting expert Doug Shadel provides detailed advice in his new book, Outsmarting Artificers. Just as any attacker needs a vulnerable target, so too does a scam artist need an easily duped mark. This book teaches you how not to fall victim, based on Shadel's own experiences and studies of the biggest scams perpetrated in the United States. It identifies the mistakes that consumers make when they are confronted with difficult-to-spot, complex frauds and then offers safeguards and countermeasures to stem the damage. Accounts from real people - gobbed over by dupe - reignite their painful memories to give counterpoint and sympathy to Shadel’s analysis Bookmark the headings inside this guide

и straightforward ways to prevent becoming the victim of injury fraud, as well as more complex schemes and tricks, such as traditional swindles entwined in religion, or “shafts of ignorance” where gullibility is bolstered shamelessly, You can learn to train up yourself into one of the individuals the cheated scammers leave alone. Shadel also dissects a few themed social networking profiles on how to detect negativity on the Web, reveals societal vulnerabilities and stresses that can encourage fraudsters pursue their targets, regardless of their carelessness. After studying his findings, readers will receive the strategy to learn how to spot phish attempts, such as e-mails with promotional holidays and discount offers, and understand how fake check scams work and how whoever recently became tricked can prevent themselves from falling victim again. Critical structural strategies are cracked down and...


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Outsmarting the Scam Artists. How to Protect Yourself From the Most Clever Cons (D.  Shadel).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Outsmarting the Scam Artists. How to Protect Yourself From the Most Clever Cons
  • Автор: D. Shadel
  • Категория: Зарубежная деловая литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781118227022