Celebrating Every Learner. Activities and Strategies for Creating a Multiple Intelligences Classroom (Christine Wallach).

Книга "Celebrating Every Learner. Activities and Strategies for Creating a Multiple Intelligences Classroom" представляет собой практическое руководство по использованию теории множественных интеллектов Говарда Гарднера в классной комнате. Гарднер выделил восемь различных типов интеллекта: языковой, логический, пространственный, музыкальный, телесно-кинестетический, естественно-научный, межличностный и интраперсональный. В книге описываются характеристики каждого типа интеллекта, а затем приводятся готовые уроки и активности, которые учителя могут использовать для интеграции множественных интеллектов в классах дошкольного и начального звена. Книга предлагает сокровищницу легко реализуемых активностей для включения всех типов интеллекта учеников, исходя из опыта New City School - ведущей начальной школы, стоящей во главе образования по теории множественных интеллектов. Книга также содержит ценные эссе о том, как и почему интегрировать множественные интеллекты в учебный процесс. Автор книги - Томас Р. Хёрр, который является автором двух регулярных столбцов в журнале Educational Leadership, а также редактором электронной рассылки "Intelligence Connections".

Howard Gardner’s ground-breaking approach for classroom settings This thought-provoking book acts as an invaluable teacher’s guide on how to begin utilizing the Multiple Intelligences Theory developed by famous educational psychologist Howard Gardner (1943–2017). The author, Christine Wallach, details the key aspects of each intelligence identified by Gardner – linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-verbal, musical, kinetic/bodily, existential/natural, relational/affective, and interpersonal/intrapersonal intelligences. Further, overlain upon these fantastic features, this resource sets out ready-made lesson plans, conflict resolution activities, intriguing teachable moments, fun classroom games, brain-boosting homework tasks, practical solutions for inviting targeted instruction units, unpredictable exhibits, and much more. Brand new to the Early Childhood Through Sixth Grade ClassroomTaking inspiration from critically acclaimed programs such as The New City Schools, this valuable resource ensures that every student receives the exact attention that they deserve. Essentially, Celebrating Every Student will give your school a distinct competitive edge and set your classrooms amongst the most innovative and performant across the nation. An invigorating educational toolset for anyone involved in the scholastic universe not excluding Certified Teachers, School Principals, Classroom Teachers (KT, PT, Special Education Teachers), Education Administrators, or AcademicsAll of those who it falling under the tutelage of myriad learning and teaching avenues. Prepare yourself for a contemporary educative journey brimming with both drama and content uncovering the secrets to precisely tailoring learning experiences to belie the broad array of abilities in your unique setting. A treasure chest of ready-implemented activities really designed to ignite and energize diverse learners, be it young children or older students, complete with Michael Hoerr passionate unfolding of how and the best methods to effectively embed the Multiple Intelligence principles within your classroom.

Howard Gardner 's groundbreaking here ' Using his Multiple Intelligenes Theory in class. Gardner identifies eight different intelligences: linguistic, visual, musical, body/kinaesthetic etc. This book is an invaluable resource for finding out how to use the theory in schools, from Pre-k through to 6th grade. You 'll find ready-to use lesson plans & activities to expand your students ' personality and learning potential. Paul Hoerr, who works for the respected New City Schools, has put together an wonderful resource to raise achievement of all learners! This book will help you to match students with the right work based on their intelligences. Enjoy accessing your school's potential with this cutting edge book. Highly recommended!


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Celebrating Every Learner. Activities and Strategies for Creating a Multiple Intelligences Classroom (Christine  Wallach).

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  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Celebrating Every Learner. Activities and Strategies for Creating a Multiple Intelligences Classroom
  • Автор: Christine Wallach
  • Категория: Зарубежная образовательная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9780470644683