Книга "Загипнотизированные" автора Кандис Кэмп описывает историю Оливии Морланд, которая всегда отрицала свою способность к ясновидению и работала против тех, кто обращался к лондонским медиумам. Но когда лорд Стивен Ст. Легер обратился к ней с просьбой помочь в расследовании заявлений известного экстрасенса, она не смогла противостоять появлению тревожной ауры, которую она почувствовала внутри древнего поместья. Они узнали, что только могущественная любовь может победить опасное зло.

If you have never read “Mesmerized” by Candace Camille, here is a summary:

Olivia Moreland had always denied the possibility that she had clairvoyance, instead working to dismiss the mediums who came calling to London. When Lord and Master Stephen St Leger asked her to help him investigate a claim made by a psychic, she could not refuse the ominously troubling presence she felt within the walls of Stephen's ancestral mansion–or the intimate familiarity she felt with Stephen himself.

When Stephen had last called Blackhope House home, his elder brother had taken both the family estate and the love of his life. Now in the aftermath of his murder, Stephen reluctantly returns to find his entrenched family embroiled in scandal. Was his brother's untimely demise the result of a dark spirit or was it the psychic claiming responsibility? Why does Olivia Moreland, psychic investigator, hold such power over Stephen that reignites a long-lost passion in him?

As they search desperately to uncover the truth, Olivia and Stephen come to the realization that they can only stand against great evil if supported by strong love. Gradually, the two find themselves caught up in a web of lies and betrayals with dire consequences. Their journey proves to be a very dark one, set against centuries of history that are slowly unraveled. Ultimately, their struggle is over not just sorcery but true love – the most powerful of forces.


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Mesmerized (Candace Camp).

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