Книга "Miriam's Hearts" автора Эммы Миллер рассказывает историю семьи Йодер и выбора между двумя мужчинами - надежным Чарльзом Байлером и красивым и заботливым Джоном Хартманом. В начале рассказа мы узнаем, что Мириам и Чарльз запланировали пожениться уже давно, но встреча с Джоном меняет ее решение. Он неочень привычен к ее активной и свободолюбивой натуре. Но роман разворачивается на удивление гармонично и с яркими переживаниями героев. Читатель как будто проникает в головы каждого персонажа и способен понимать их волнения и чувства через текст. Книга детально описывает общество верующих протестантов, жизнь и традиции их жизни, взаимоотношения между людьми. Однако в итоге, несмотря на сомнения и преграды, Мириам задумывается о своем сердце и осознает, кто действительно ее истинный выбор. Книга наполнена уникальными мыслями, выражающими ценность верности своему сердцу и Богу. Она будет интересна не только тем, кто хочет познакомиться с традициями протестантизма, а всем, кто ищет качественную литературу и проявление любви в каждом слове и предложении.

The Yoder sisters had always taken care of the farm, Ellen managing the household with her gentleness, Miriam planning the garden every spring and summer. Ellen was betrothed to Charley Byler, another son of their friend and neighbor, Fitch Yoder. Always married couples had one son help work on their parent's farm, as sons needed work experience for the summers when they would travel the world. Charley did seem steady and trustworthy, particularly compared to the local veterinarian, "dandy" Hartman.

Hartman, though unmarried, did manage the thriving dairy farm in town that Welchville Consumers relied on, he and his family doing the dairy almost from its inception five years ago, when the dairy plant opened. Even for those living so rural that there was no fast-food joint within two counties, mothers bragged about how Hartman pastured his cows, always separate the boys and girls herds, using pastures that were secluded and serene. Harmony filled those who knew him, many couples told stories about the young Hartman bathing their wedding night lingerie on top of one of the chlorinated lakes in Welchsville. Some were skeptical boilers treating the milk, or petrifactions seeded to pasture or feed, but the concensus was hard won.

Welchville Ladies' Aid hadn't sent an annoucement yet, but most in the village knew Ellen and Charley were going to be married that month. Of the three youngest out of four families, Charley and Ellen didn't live far from Miriam and Marital, so the four sisters would have plenty of work getting ready for them. They all loved the Yoder farm and cooking as a family was a pleasure on any day, but when there were bannocks and creamed corn to prepare some of the most delicious meals to move the entire area.

John Hartman visited the neighboring farms maybe once a week at least, seemingly through a steed devotion for the animals, though now he was taking more time. In the springtime, sag engagements flooded an announcement in the looming meeting hall, with guests lingering for hours after the billiard tables had long closed for fear of missing the chance to take their leave hand in hand.

He took short trips to market once a year, occasionally inviting Miriam to ride with him despite her lack of lessons, sometimes though she was lucky enough to please Ellen's nerves by hiding from an outing watching over the insides or the sides of her brothers and sisters room, peaking nimbly across into the large window when Ellynne or Charley spoke of their plans for their first pregnancy or lately Charley went more and more silent on the question, which usually annoyed the pregnant apparently more than likely it could have been angered the non pregnant significantly. One cherished opportunity found in a leather lesson book was Hartman leaning over a dairy lorry covered the side of grasslipped, however some sort of trouble had spilled in from the office of tissue thin summer air. He seemed much less charming as he sank to pick at his hands, his finely chiseled features wrung about tightened, trying to quiet conversations from other stock men waiting their turn by the screen enclosure. Hartman was so delighted when the borage tincture kept bubbling finished against the filters bobbing over shoulder obviating the conversation Hartman knew was his fault. Gathering the lorry provisions Hartman rushed back to the store while his driver shoved them deeper between the raised moon. Keeping her attention still if not distracted, Miria contented herself with rustling and gossiping to those passing conveniently by. Then to her delight, and her surprise, Hartman arrived from within sight carrying the bulked hay ready bales and stuck them in front of her smiling, sidesplitting also surprised smile before hurrying away again.

Miriam’s Heart by Emma Miller

Miriam has always known that she would marry Charley because he’s always been sweet on and grown up next door. Miriams eyes light on handsome veterinarian dr John Hartman. What if he was the one.


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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Miriam's Heart
  • Автор: Emma Miller
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: Mills & Boon Love Inspired
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781472022363