Это авторитетный учебник в серии от престижного Нутрициологического общества, который широко используется в университетах по всему миру. В отличие от традиционного подхода, основанного на питательных веществах, эта книга рассматривает спортивное и фитнес питание с точки зрения систем организма и заболеваний. Книга позволяет студентам и преподавателям изучить основные принципы нутрициологии и применять их на практике, развивая критическое мышление.
Этот учебник по спортивному и фитнес питанию основан на последних научных данных и практическом опыте в этой области. Ключевая концепция - объединить взгляды ведущих мировых экспертов из академических кругов и практиков. Где необходимо, добавлены советы практиков и информационные листы в конце соответствующих глав.
Учебник состоит из трех взаимосвязанных частей:
Часть 1 освещает ключевые научные основы практики спортивного и фитнес питания, включая питательные вещества, физиологию упражнений, гидратацию, микроэлементы и добавки.
Часть 2 фокусируется на конкретных стратегиях питания для разных видов тренировок: силовых, скоростных, выносливости и других. Подход основан на видах тренировок, а не видах спорта.
Часть 3 исследует практические вопросы в этой области: реабилитация, контроль веса, нарушения питания, здоровье костей и желудочно-кишечного тракта, иммунитет, травмы, путешествия и особые группы.
Целевая аудитория: студенты нутрициологии, диетологии, специалисты в области питания и смежных наук о здоровье.
Now widely adopted at course throughout the world. The prestigious 'Nutrition Society Textbook Series provides students with scientific background information in nutrition, in a contextual, systemic, and disease-approach, rather than according meal-by-meal basis. The book-writing process combines the view of world-leading nutrition experts, a academy/academic and practical standpoint. Where necessary, there experts writing as additiomtal authors, ensuring that theory and circulated in practice in each chapter, either as 'practice tips', or 'information sheets', at the ending of relevant sections.
The textbook can be divided up into three different yet connected parts. Part One outlines the main concepts that support the field of sports and workout nutrition, including: nutrients, both both foods and sport fuel components; physiology exercise training; the process of exercise, ingredient chefs, etc.; and extra component, combination sport, sports specific needs, etc.
Please note that digital versions do not contain all the figures or photographs found in a printed book.
Электронная Книга «Sport and Exercise Nutrition» написана автором Группа авторов в году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 0
Язык: Английский
ISBN: 9781444344875
Описание книги от Группа авторов
Please note that digital editions do not include all the illustrations found in the printed book. Now widely adopted on courses throughout the world, the prestigious Nutrition Society Textbook series provides students with the scientific basics in nutrition in the context of a systems and disease approach rather than on a nutrient by nutrient basis. In addition books provide a means to enable teachers and students to explore the core principles of nutrition and to apply these throughout their training to foster critical thinking at all times. This NS Textbook on Sport and Exercise Nutrition has been written to cover the latest information on the science and practice of sport and exercise nutrition. A key concept behind this textbook is that it aims to combine the viewpoints of world leading nutrition experts from both academia/research and a practical stand point. Plus where necessary there are additional practitioner based authors to ensure theory is translated into practice for each chapter in the form of either ‘practice tips' or ‘information sheets' at the end of relevant chapters. The textbook in essence can be divided into three distinct but integrated parts: Part 1: covers the key components of the science that supports the practice of sport and exercise nutrition including comprehensive reviews on: nutrients both in general and as exercise fuels; exercise physiology; hydration, micronutrients; and supplements. Part 2: moves into focusing on specific nutrition strategies to support different types of training including: resistance; power/sprint; middle distance/speed endurance; endurance; technical/skill, team; and specific competition nutrition needs. The unique format of this textbook is that it breaks down nutrition support into training specific as opposed to the traditional sport specific support. This reflects the majority of current sport and exercise requirements of the need to undertake concurrent training and therefore facilitating targeted nutrition support to the different training components through the various macro and micro training cycles. Part 3: explores some of the practical issues encountered in working in the sport and exercise nutrition field and includes key sport related topics such as: disability sport; weight management; eating disorders; bone and gut health; immunity; injury; travel; and special populations and situations. READERSHIP: Students of nutrition and dietetics at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. All those working in the field of nutrition and related health sciences.