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... © Marion Stearns - All Rights Reserved ... ... ... are ... the 'FUEL' for ALL of yourlist building and sales ... espe Copyright © Marion Stearns - All Rights Reserved ==================== E-mail addresses are absolutely the 'FUEL' for ALL of your list building and sales potential, especially for E-Zines. Without a growing list, which is a consistently fueled list of responsive readers, your list can't make a positive impact on your business sales. Are you trying to sell with a dull and non-responsive small list? There are steps that you can take to maximize the size of your subscriber lists. Most old methods can be time consuming and not productive. Some of them simply aren't worth the time invested in implementing them. What CAN Help? Co-registration Works There are a few solid ways to build a list in record time. Growing your list should be your FIRST and TOP priority. Numbers always count in sales. The larger your list is, the more people you can sell to. Smart list builders know that a thriving and growing list has a better chance of generating profits. Like a gardener, we must plant and fertilize to harvest a cash crop. To ALL Sellers => The LIST is the Life of Sales! One of the biggest obstacles to making money on the net is building a "rocking" subscriber list. Calling yourself a business is very easy, but getting people to sign up, join you and stay with you, is difficult. Your house list will always be the guts of your online sales efforts. As far as e-publishing goes, ezine publishing is not rocket science. There are a number of publications telling you how you can do it. There are hands-on classes that can teach you the publishing ropes. The sad part is until recently, no one would tell you how to grow your list after it started, except those who offer a hands-on experience to teach people how to set the list up, then help you start it before launch! Yes, this is available. It seems to be a well guarded secret but it works because the black holes of list building, are addressed before you even launch. What happened to YOU when you swore that you would grow your list, years ago? You probably never have a clue about how to grow and fertilize your list. I'd guess that as a newbie the few people you did ask, didn't have much advice for you, besides ad swaps, which still suck up valuable sales time. Most people try a number of things like ad words, adding ezines to directory databases (which can prove to be a real waste of time) and word of mouth, which can certainly be very time consuming. I determined that nothing really worked until I fumbled and stumbled on the truth: There are ONLY a few ways to grow a list efficiently. Just using tricks that won't cost a ton of money can be a losing proposition. In our business time IS money! There are a few list building methods that won't take a lot of your time. They can hand you a high quality list that could possibly result in more sales, which is why you're IN business, right? How long did it take for you to figure these things out for yourself? No matter how you build your list....there are some people who won't remain on your list, no matter what you do. The question remains: How much time do you have to spend on losers? Good economical list building services DO offer a valuable service to list builders who have just started publishing and need "start-up" newbie strategies for growing a list. They help all marketers. List growth can help lead all of us to increased sales potential. We all need a responsive list in order to sell! If you're not selling, examine your list. Articles CAN and Do Help List Building! Are you promoting your e-biz with articles? If not, you're missing the e-boat to increased e-biz, brand identity. Feel like you have a hard time writing your name? Hire a ghost-writer and get articles circulating around the globe. It's usually Free so make the time to get articles written. Submit them to ezines and anyplace else who will accept them from you. I can't stress this enough. Simply put: articles can save you a ton of advertising cash! They can circulate the net for years, if you include a permission to re-print resource box, at the end of your articles. Co-regstration and article writing can help you build your lists in a highly efficient and economical manner. If you're not using these list building methods, you should be! -------------------- This article may be reprinted in it's entirety with the resource box in tact.
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