The Indian tradition of horse riding is said to be one of the oldest and most celebrated in the world. From the warrior’s charge to the gleaming white coats of officers and surnamed troopers, horses have always played a central role in Indian society. But the horse itself, as comprehensively observed by historian Clive Wigram states, enigma in itself. There is much that I have not discovered about this mythological creature that sets the heart pounding, that sets my emotions soaring, and enlightens my senses. Indian national Bharat Narayan uses regal terminology often when referring to his hoofed friend, reverently honoring him as a ‘king of beasts’.
The image of Горбатый Зигги в юности отличался молодостью, желанием двигаться в ногу с современным миром и шармом.
Зигги подошёл к этому вопросу серьезно, поэтому купил не только крутейший японский автомобиль для выступлений, но и роскошное помещение для его хранения.
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