Zodiac: Pursuit between Worlds V: Captive. Mark Savage"

Synopsis Description of the plot follows: Zargon is inhabited by a highly developed and peaceful civilization that is immune to violence and warfare. Their faith in their power and the integrity of the universe are strong, and they believe that nothing can shake their belief. However, there is a secret that runs deep within their culture that threatens to tear them apart. *The Mortlat: horrific but intelligent creatures, who roam the cosmos on their warships, destroying everything that does not fit theirs. As the annihilation of Zargon races begins a relentless hunt for immortality, Project Moonshine emerges as a multi-billion-dollar enterprise from America's orbit around the Earth.* In the small town of Tretmont, the centennial project "Moonshine" is under construction. It will focus on the exploration of interstellar space and the discovery of alien life. The citizens of Tretmont are puzzled by the presence of military forces on site. Nobody realizes that "Project Moonshine" is just the cover for a powerful conspiracy.*The hunted : Zargon, a Zargonian who witnessed his world's destruction, faces an odyssey of flight, suffering, pain, and death. He narrowly escapes the worst, but danger surrounds him everywhere, and this peaceful creature fights for himself, his friends, and his values, in a desperate battle.* The chase is for *the Mortlat:* a Xenomorph genetic bioexperiment created in Mortlat laboratories; black-clad soldiers with their origins unknown even to the CIA ally; earthly elite military troops; and members of the military...but when the innocent civilians fall into the hands of their enemies, hope seems impossible. Zargon is trapped, with human protectors and ultimately...the entire planet Earth.

Автором этой книги является Марк Сэвидж Название этой книги на англ — Zodiac -The Last Precursor V:Captive, the fifth part of his famous series, is the story of tragedy and survival set agaisnt a stunning backdrop', In this altered dimension where technology and society have advanced to an incredible degree there was peace in an alien world that existed as one without war and conflict even after the events that turned their own world to radioactive ash. But they were stall keepers of another great mystery, this gift that defies all their thinking and striving, A race totally unlike ours that we named the Mortlatsr the Elder Brother --destroyed in a war of annihilation, leaving nothing but scorched planets. It was as if reality itself had endeavored to deliver them from the makers of harm. Unaware of this mercy, only the mortlats had roamed freely in the unknown waters, searching for new living forms to conquer and destroy. And then there was us. We had built at Project-Moonshine near--town of Tretmond, a series of barricades and swept both astronauts underground trapped forever in vast tracks and the immense cavernous surface left behind after the fire had taken the world of the Zargonis, alive. This environment could not figure out the reason behind the presence of armed forces around them. Not even one knew that Project Moonshine was not a mere cover but a cover for a barbarious conspiracy with the help of death to escape from this disaster before he flees across the sea and survives a terrible attempt to kill himself and find refuge, passing through various difficult and dangerous adventures fearlessly in pursuit of liberation and avenging those killed by mortlant soldiers near the corner of the world, But strangers who abandoned every family values and humane life, we plunged into the corridor desquin, to cooperate with distorted elements only because of the promise of money and power. So the strangeness took place in front of your eyes its the last sequel the lawyer's watch, relates the frightening moment when the partner became a prey to the unknowable world of extraterrestrials, and how she looks for help and discovers the true value that hides in her deepest thought, It seems hopeless. As for our hero, his human protectors and eventually ... all over the planet earth's hero suffer, hoping for life and freedom.

Электронная Книга «Zodiac - Gejagter zwischen den Welten V: Gefangen - Mark Savage» написана автором Mark Savage в году.

Минимальный возраст читателя: 0

Язык: Немецкий

Серии: Zodiac-Gejagter zwischen den Welten

ISBN: 9783748560937

Описание книги от Mark Savage

Zargos: Bevölkert von einer hochentwickelten und friedfertigen Zivilisation. Die Zargonier kennen keine Waffen und leben im geistigen Kollektiv ohne Gewalt und Konflikte zusammen. Selbst die Zerstörung ihrer Welt vermag ihren Glauben an die Allmacht und die Reinheit des Ganzen nicht zu erschüttern. Doch sie sind auch die Hüter eines schrecklichen Geheimnisses, einer Gabe, die all ihrem Denken und Streben widerspricht. Die Mortlats: Furchterregende, aber dennoch intelligente Kreaturen, die mit ihren Kriegsschiffen durch den Kosmos ziehen und alles vernichten, was nicht der eigenen Art entspricht. Die Ausrottung der zargonischen Rasse ist gleichzeitig der Beginn einer Hetzjagd, die auf dem Planeten Erde dem Höhepunkt entgegenstrebt. Das Projekt: In dem kleinen Ort Tretmond wird das milliardenteure Projekt «Moonshine» aus dem Boden gestampft, welches die Erforschung des Weltalls und die Entdeckung außerirdischen Lebens vorantreiben soll. Die Bürger Tretmonds rätseln über die starke Präsenz militärischer Kräfte auf dem Gelände. Keiner ahnt, dass Projekt Moonshine nur der Deckmantel ist für eine mächtige Verschwörung. Der Gejagte: Zodiac, der Zargonier, Augenzeuge der Vernichtung seiner Welt, durchlebt eine Odyssee an Flucht, Leid, Schmerz und Tod. Mithilfe einer amerikanischen Familie entkommt er nur knapp dem Schlimmsten. Doch die Gefahr lauert überall, und das friedfertige Wesen kämpft für sich, die Freunde und seine Werte einen verzweifelten Kampf. Die Jäger: Die Mortlats; das Xenomorph, ein genetisches Bioexperiment aus mortlatschen Labors; Schwarze Männer, deren Herkunft selbst für den Verbündeten CIA ein Geheimnis bleibt; irdische Killerelitetruppen; Militärs … im Kampf Gut gegen Böse sind die Unschuldigen dem Gegner schutzlos ausgeliefert. Die Lage scheint hoffnungslos. Für den Zargonier, seine menschlichen Beschützer und letzten Endes … für den gesamten Planeten Erde.

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Автор: Mark Savage
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная Книга
  • Язык: Немецкий
  • Из Серий: Zodiac-Gejagter zwischen den Welten
  • Издатель: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783748560937

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