Why People Choose Partners That Look Like Their Parents

  • Автор темы DedeStoorsRot
  • Обновлено
  • 19, Jun 2020
  • #1
Over the years, psychologists have been trying to figure out: how do people choose a marriage partner? However, the only meaningful generalization may be the recognition that this process is much more complicated than it seems at first glance.

Two sexes, two halves of human existence, which are impossible one without the other and mutually complement each other.

Their attraction to each other is ambiguous, internally contradictory.

Between them there are forces of erotic mutual attraction and selfish repulsion.

People choose partners similar to their parents, but this is not an absolute rule, although a fairly common selection criterion.

Founder of classical psychoanalysis 3. Freud in his psychoanalytic theory explains this by saying that the attraction that children have for parents of the opposite sex is transferred to other objects that are socially approved, to their potential partners, spouses ...

When choosing a sexual * object, the libido energy is shifted from the very first love object, i.e. from parents to the object of choice.

This is probably why many young men would like to meet a future partner in life similar to their mother, and very often girls pay attention to young men similar to their fathers.

According to another version, this choice is explained by the phenomenon of imprinting, when the image of the father or mother is as if imprinted in the memory of the child, and subsequently preference will be given to a partner similar to one of the parents, especially the opposite sex.

A study at the University of Texas at Austin found that children born to spouses of different races were more likely to marry a partner of the same race as the parent of the opposite sex.

Another study found that the color of the eyes of a partner chosen by a woman is most reliable in predicting the color of her father’s eyes.

As for men, the color of the hair and eyes of their mothers is a decisive determinant of the color of the hair and eyes of partners. That is, a man is likely to marry a dark-eyed brunette, if his mother belongs to this type of women.

A woman who was or remains a daddy's daughter is more likely to give preference to a father-like boyfriend.

For women who did not get along with their father or who grew up far from him, such preferences are not peculiar.

However, the Oedipus complex is less pronounced in men than the Electra complex in women.


29 Apr, 2012



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