Title: Tuskania Vriboda, Author: Ruti Miaels
The story begins with Lily, who is in an ordinary and boring life. Moreover, it is also missing exciting sex. One day, she decides to go on vacation to Italy, where she feels liberated and capable of exploring a completely new side to herself. Here she meets her hostess Gianna and together they embark on a journey of discovery. Lily experiences many new things in the limited amount of time she has there, such as having a steamy encounter with a local, indulging in pleasurable activities with other travelers, and connecting deeply with Gianna for a brief but moving period. The book lends itself well to both lighthearted reading and personal reflection. Overall, although it may be a short story, the ending is unexpected and leaves the reader with a lingering sense of contentment.
Из книги "Тосканская свобода" автора Рут Мекалеис: "Приключения Лили - обыденны, однообразны, лишены самых отчаянных эротических страстей! Но все меняется, когда она отправляется в отпуск в Италию. С помощью своей гостеприимной хозяйки Джанны Лили открывает неведомую для самой возможную сторону свой души. Переворот заключается не только в удивительном опыте общения с незнакомцем, в искусстве доставлять удовольствие другим и в потаенных удовольствиях для более зрелых людей.
Электронная Книга «Tuscan Freedom - Ruthie Michaels» написана автором Ruthie Michaels в году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 0
Язык: Английский
ISBN: 9781408927724
Описание книги от Ruthie Michaels
Lily's normal life was dull and unchallenging—and seriously lacking in exciting sex!But when she goes on vacation in Italy, Lily finally feels free to explore a whole new side of herself. . . with the help of her hostess, Gianna. Before her trip is over, Lily will experience things she never imagined—such as a scandalous tryst with a stranger, a night of pleasure with her fellow houseguests, and so much more. . . .