Why Ravens Don't Like


Why did this incredibly clever bird still not please the vast majority of our population? It turns out, in her way of life and way of eating: she eats everything that she can eat, that she can not - bites to holes, and constantly steals something or someone. She has chronic kleptomania. And if this very kleptomania is multiplied by a remarkable mind and amazing ingenuity, it becomes clear why this bird, to put it mildly, is not liked. Do you know how in criminal law robbery differs from theft? If secretly and quietly - theft. If in arrogant, by force, threats - this is robbery. So here. The crow is robbery and even murder is very respected! But back to her mental abilities. The author of one of the books on animal behavior claimed that crows can count to five! And not every dog ​​can do it, not to mention different birds. How did the author argue this fact?
In the courtyard lay a pile of garbage, which was chosen by the local crow. Nearby stood a barn. If a man came into the barn, the crow did not sit on the pile. The man left - the bird proceeded to a meal. If two people came in and one came out, the crow did not sit down. The second one also came out - the crow sat down. If there are three people ... In general, when six people entered the barn and five later left, the crow sat on a heap. Thus, the author concluded, the crow can count, but only up to five. That sounds logical. It is known that a crow can easily distinguish a gun from an ordinary stick for a good hundred meters - any hunter will confirm this! Extraordinary, so to speak, ravens also have ways of obtaining food.
By the way, for these methods, hunters disliked the fiercely gray bandit. In the “early times,” for every dead crow, a hunting cartridge was given. The man will bring 15, 20, 30 legs dried to the hunting farm - get ammo! Therefore, by the way, childish fun with slingshots and “airs” against ravens was encouraged: there is no need to spend ammo, but if you bring in paws, they will give new ones! Yes, and the boys, as future hunters, practice is not a sin! Why does a raven harm hunters so much? And she likes to snoop around other people's nests! Where is the egg, where is the chick dragged away without hesitation. With a large number of ravens, the number of birds in this region is rapidly disappearing. All bird is destroyed. Populations survive only until the number of gray crows has exceeded the limit. In the city, the behavior of the gray crow is somewhat different, but in general - the same banditry.
There is a known case when a crow drove a pigeon into the water and there dealt with it in cold blood. Crows can eat kittens, chickens, attack small puppies ... The list is very depressing both in length and content. Some authors compare the gray villain with another gray - the wolf. Perhaps not in vain in large cities of Russia, some enterprising young people remembered the old amusements and run after the crows with "air". They call themselves crawlers! Ammunition for their paws, however, has not yet been given (and will hardly be given), but they are not upset, they are running after adrenaline. You can complete the list of raven crimes with the common gray one with the following words: it also croaks disgustingly! Moreover, she especially likes to do this in the morning, when the dream is not so strong, but she sleeps very sweetly. M-yes, you will read such a thing and think about it - but is it about a raven? A predator, not a bird! And, nevertheless, almost everything bad that is said about the gray raven is true. And let our reader never, under any circumstances, be neither white, nor, moreover, gray crow!

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