The Incredible Facts From The Life Of US Presidents


The inauguration ceremony of William Harrison (1841) was held on an extremely cold day. The new president caught a cold right away. Soon, his cold developed into pneumonia, from which he died a month later. He led the United States in record time.
President Abraham Lincoln always wore a tall black top hat on his head, inside of which he kept letters, financial papers, bills and notes.
George Washington loved horseback riding. However, he demanded that the horse he was to sit on was perfectly clean. Washington even checked the cleanliness of the animal’s teeth.
Thomas Jefferson independently created the design of his tombstone and wrote a text for him that did not indicate that he was president.
John Quincy Adams often at dawn swam naked in the Potomac River. He practically did not change outfits and carried one suit for more than ten years.
Andrew Jackson was an inveterate duelist. During one of the duels, he got a bullet in his chest, surgeons could not extract it, and Jackson lived with this piece of lead all his life.
Martin Van Buren, after leaving the White House, wrote interesting memoirs in which his wife was never mentioned.
John Tyler is the longest president in US history. He had 8 children from his first wife, and 7 from his second. His 15th child was born when the president was over seventy.
Zachary Taylor chewed tobacco everywhere and always. During all official events, he held a tobacco box in his fist.
Millard Fillmore refused to accept the mantle of an honorary doctorate from Oxford University. He explained this by doing nothing for science.
James Buchanan is the only US president who has not been married. He was once engaged, but his bride broke off the engagement, and soon died.
Andrew Johnson never went to school. He was taught to read by his future wife Eliza McCardle (Eliza McCardle) at the age of 17. President Johnson wore exclusively suits that he tailored and sewed with his own hands.
Throughout his life, Ulysses Grant smoked 20 cigars per day. He died of throat cancer.
President James Garfield held both hands freely and was a polyglot. He was able to simultaneously write with one hand in ancient Greek, and with the other - in Latin. He died as a result of a cut of a finger - during treatment, blood poisoning occurred.
There were about 100 pairs of trousers in Chester Arthur’s wardrobe.
Grover Cleveland underwent a secret surgery, during which he removed the part of the jaw affected by cancer.
Benjamin Harrison hated electric light and demanded that during his stay in the White House, the lights would turn off and light candles.
During the hunt, President Theodore Roosevelt refused to kill the bear with the teddy bear. After that, a new toy appeared - teddy bears, which they began to call "teddy bears" - teddy bears ("Teddy" - a diminutive form of the name "Theodore").
William Taft weighed more than 136 kilograms. In the White House, a special bathtub of increased dimensions was installed for him.
Warren Harding played poker at least twice a week. Once he even lost the entire Chinese porcelain service, owned by the White House. His advisers were nicknamed the "Poker Cabinet" (Poker Cabinet), as they were his main partners during this gambling.
Calvin Coolidge had a very sore stomach. For treatment and prevention, he slept for 10-11 hours at night, and also rested during the day. In the White House, two tame raccoons lived with him.
Herbert Hoover has written and published over 16 books. One of his books is called Fishing for Fun And to Wash Your Soul.
Franklin Roosevelt had family ties with 11 of his predecessors in the White House.
Harry Truman had a tame goat that grazed on the lawn in front of the White House.
The warlord and president, Dwight Eisenhower, was a great lover and master of culinary. He even came up with a recipe for vegetable soup, which included
stalks of nasturtium entered.
John F. Kennedy was the first US scout to become president.
Lyndon Johnson loved to give gifts to his staff and visitors. His favorite gift was electric toothbrushes. The author of Johnson's biography for 10 years received from his hero 12 brushes.
Richard Nixon always heated his office with a fireplace, refusing to use steam heating.
Gerald Ford at the age of 12, his parents said that they adopted him.
Jimmy Carter became the first US president to publish a historical novel (The Hornet’s Nest). True, Carter wrote the novel after leaving the White House.
Ronald Reagan became known for overcoming the “20-year curse” of the White House, according to which every president, elected in the year ending with zero, died or died before the end of his presidency.
George W. Bush was distinguished by his love of Mexican and Chinese cuisine, but he never ate broccoli.
Bill Clinton ordered the creation of a personal website for his cat Sox.
George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, got married just three months after they met.

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