“The Rancher’s Unexpected Family” by Myrna Mackenzie is a heartwarming and emotional story that follows the struggles of a rancher who tries to navigate his life after his marriage ends. Set in the small town of Larkville, Holt Calhoun has become known for his terse and unyielding personality, rarely saying anything other than a simple “no” to anyone. However, Kathryn Ellis, a doctor at the local clinic, needs Holt’s help to save the clinic before her unborn baby arrives.
As the story unfolds, Holt finds himself struggling with his feelings for Kathryn, who has the ability to melt his heart with just a smile. As their relationship grows, the reader is left wondering what will happen when the two finally come together. Will Holt be able to overcome his past and accept the love he feels for Kathryn? Or will he continue to resist and deny his own heart’s desires?
The Rancher’s Unexpected Family is a captivating and heartfelt read that touches on themes of love, loss, and acceptance. It is a story of how a person’s past can affect their future, and how love can change everything. This book is a must-read for anyone who loves heartwarming stories and wants to see how love can bring people closer together.
После того как брак Холо Кальхуна распался, жители городка Ларквилль не услышали от него ничего, кроме «нет». Однако Кэтрин Элис даже «нет» в ответ не устраивает. Только Холо может спасти местную клинику до того, как у нее появится ребенок! Но хоть он и пытается игнорировать вспыхнувшее чувство, Кэтрин его сияющая улыбку отвергнуть оказывается выше его сил, и остается только сбежать, поджав хвост, словно испуганный мустанг...
Электронная Книга «The Rancher's Unexpected Family - Myrna Mackenzie» написана автором Myrna Mackenzie в году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 0
Язык: Английский
Серии: The Larkville Legacy
ISBN: 9781408971581
Описание книги от Myrna Mackenzie
Since Holt Calhoun’s marriage ended, the town of Larkville knows that ‘no’ is pretty much the sum total of the taciturn cowboy’s vocabulary.But Kathryn Ellis won’t take ‘no’ for an answer. She needs Holt to save the local clinic before her baby arrives! Holt does his best to ignore his growing feelings, until an early arrival with Kathryn’s heart-melting smile makes it impossible to turn on his spurred heel and walk away…