"The Power of Story" by Harold R. Johnson is an exploration of storytelling in today's age, exploring the relationship between truth, deception, and fiction. Johnson draws from his own experiences as an author and his interactions with other writers to provide unique insights into the power of story. He explores the role that storytelling plays in shaping culture and society, and how this can be utilized in the service of change. His message is clear: fiction can have real power, if used wisely.

Johnson demonstrates that there is a need for new ways of thinking about and telling stories that bring about not only interest but also provoke ideas that stimulate the imagination. He explores issues such as the art of storytelling and the effect of stories on culture, finding new genres and fresh perspectives to illuminate current events.

Through his own life experience, the author calls into question the veracity of contemporary narratives and explores their value for us today. The book provides a compelling piece of narrative literature that can help us re-evaluate our own understanding of ourselves and our world.

The Power of Story is Harold R. Johnson's exploration of the use of narrative in both our personal lives and in publishing. His deft blending of cultural theory, popular narrative, ethics, and aesthetics engages discussion about today's place of New Times publishing on all fronts—cultural, economic, and technical. A reviewer from Emory University's magazine Campus Notes said, "Imagine a less mindful, more joyful Slate (and Hugh Evelyn)." The writing, nondictatorial, impeccably edited, and deeply generous matters to consider for anyone in the field or in any profession engaged with storytelling, published or otherwise.

Аудиокнига «The Power of Story - On Truth, the Trickster, and New Fictions for a New Era (Unabridged) - Harold R Johnson» написана автором Harold R Johnson в году.

Минимальный возраст читателя: 0

Язык: Английский

ISBN: 9781771965576

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Автор: Harold R Johnson
  • Категория: Этнография
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Язык: Английский
  • Издатель: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9781771965576

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