"The Man with the Twisted Lip" is a novel that follows the adventures of Sherlock Holmes as he unravels a mystery surrounding a twisted lip that has been discovered on the body of a woman who had apparently killed herself. This story is set in Victorian England and features Holmes' trademark wit and cunning as he explores the various suspects, along with his eccentric but faithful assistant Dr. Watson.
The novel is an unabridged edition, meaning it includes all of Sir Arthur's original writing without any edits or changes to the text. This version of the story allows readers to experience the original text as written by the author and enjoy the literary excellence that was evident in the original edition.
In addition to providing a glimpse into the world of Victorian literature, "The Man With The Twisted Lip" also offers a glimpse into life during that time period. This novel is filled with references to historical events, social conventions, and cultural attitudes that were prevalent in late 19th century England.
With its exciting plot line, imaginative characters, and well-crafted language, "The Manner with the Twisted Lope" is an intriguing and enjoyable read for fans of Sherlock Holmes and those who appreciate a good mystery story. It is recommended for readers who enjoy mystery novels, detective stories, classic literature, and time travel.
Аудиокнига «The Man with the Twisted Lip - A Sherlock Holmes Adventure (Unabridged) - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle» написана автором Sir Arthur Conan Doyle в году.
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Язык: Английский
ISBN: 9783991154297