The Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 4, October, 1863 - это журнал, издаваемый в США в период с 1862 по 1864 годы. Каждый выпуск журнала содержал статьи на различные темы, включая политику, литературу, искусство, науку и технологии. В четвертом выпуске за октябрь 1863 года были опубликованы статьи об истории США, в том числе о жизни Джона Адамса, второго президента США, а также о битве при Антиетаме, одной из крупнейших битв Гражданской войны. Также в журнале были опубликованы стихотворения и рассказы, а также обзоры новых книг и других изданий. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No. 4, October, 1863 является историческим документом, отражающим культурную и политическую атмосферу в США во время Гражданской войны.

Various. -- The Continental Monthly. Volume IV, Number IV; October, 086 3. Fifty self-contained poems, each prefaced by information on the poet's life and work, complete with 62 portraits of them, most accompanied by biographical sketches, the first volume was released in October 1835, two years after Sheridan's hilarious masterpiece Vices and Virtues, which provides a fascinating look at American poetry during the era immediately before Grant's time."

Most of the books here are by disreputable nameless hack authors; this one is different. It has intelligent pieces and quotes, as well as feeble ones. There's some good rhetoric, Good Eternal, and a few pungent epigrams help invigorate the stale prose. A couple of fine poems would have improved the volume considerably. Poems? Who wrote these poems?.Sub-editor, here are the poems which would have made this volume acceptable, reproduced at the behest of his editorial assistant:.Still, the prevalence of hack author must remain an offense to you or we should consider treating the monthly publication as a whole on its merits.

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