"The Constant Wife" by W. Sommerset Maugham is a novel that explores the relationship between a man and woman who are married to others. The main character, Mark Wren, is a wealthy businessman who falls in love with Joan Huxley, a poor artist. Despite their differences, they both struggle to overcome their own weaknesses and find happiness together.

The novel is set in London in the early 20th century and explores the social norms of the time period, including class divisions, class warfare, and women's rights. However, it also focuses on human relationships and the power of love to transcend social boundaries.

"The Constant Wife" is a highly-rated work of literature that continues to be read and enjoyed by many readers. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the depth and strength of human love and its ability to conquer all adversities.

Основная идея "Постоянной жены" В. Сомерсета Моэма заключается в таком отношении к представительницам прекрасного пола: если ваша дама сердца преданна вам не из-за денег и прочих материальных благ, а лишь из-за глубоких чувств и искренней привязанности - считайте, что вам по жизни сопутствует удача и что вы завоевали сердца настоящих женщин.

Аудиокнига «The Constant Wife - W. Somerset Maugham» написана автором W. Somerset Maugham в году.

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Язык: Английский

ISBN: 9781580817400

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