Книга "Teaching Content Outrageously. How to Captivate All Students and Accelerate Learning, Grades 4-12" описывает мощный метод обучения, который помогает заинтересовать учеников и активизировать их в процессе обучения. Автор книги, Стэнли Погроу, предлагает использовать драматические техники, такие как сюрпризы, юмор, фантазии, ролевые игры, игры и симуляции, для создания уроков, которые будут не только соответствовать учебным стандартам, но и будут захватывающими, эффективными и значимыми. В книге описываются примеры использования драматических техник в различных учебных предметах. Стэнли Погроу является профессором программы "Educational Leadership for Equity" в университете Сан-Франциско, и является экспертом в области образования для детей из малообеспеченных семей.
Teaching Content Outrageously is the instructional handbook for how to captivate all students and accelerate learning thanks to dramatic practices. It accomplishes this using Stanley Pogrow’s teaching model which pushes away boredom and apathy by offering students novel lessons, exciting their interest and making learning engaging for them even if they initially responded poorly.
Filled with exemplary teaching vignettes, Steven Pogrow teaches any teacher how to leverage dramatic approaches like surprise, humour, fanciful play, role play, games and simulations creating tightly tailored lessons which absorb students and relate to a wide range of subjects. Each chapter delves deeper into the integration of various dramatic devices in curriculum.
Professor of Educational Leadership at San Francisco's San Francisco State, Stanley Pogrow, draws upon his experience to bring together his multi-layered approach to educational quality, lifting up certain dramaturgical techniques and demonstrating how they can transform learning experiences for all students no matter their background.
Электронная Книга «Teaching Content Outrageously. How to Captivate All Students and Accelerate Learning, Grades 4-12 - Stanley Pogrow» написана автором Stanley Pogrow в году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 0
Язык: Английский
ISBN: 9780470623435
Описание книги от Stanley Pogrow
A powerful instructional method for «hooking» students on academic learning Drawing from a teaching model designed to banish boredom and student apathy, this book explains how dramatic practices can serve as powerful tools for enlivening lessons and captivating students, even the most resistant learners. Filled with intriguing classroom examples, Pogrow shows how any teacher can make use of dramatic techniques, such as surprise, humor, fantasy, role plays, games, and simulations to create standards-based content lessons that are riveting, effective, and meaningful. The author explains how to design such lessons into any content area. Stanley Pogrow (San Francisco, CA), a noted authority on teaching practices for disadvantaged students, is professor of educational leadership at San Francisco State University, where he coordinates the Educational Leadership for Equity Program.