"Slice" (полная версия) – захватывающий роман, написанный неизвестным автором, который проникает в мрачные глубины человеческой психики. Книга повествует о загадочном и ужасающем мире чередующихся реальностей и темных секретов. Главный герой оказывается пленником внутри лабиринта, где каждый поворот открывает новые угрозы и загадки. Он вынужден решать сложные головоломки и преодолевать смертоносные препятствия, чтобы найти выход из этой зловещей ловушки. В процессе своего путешествия герой сталкивается с ужасающими созданиями и сталкивается с их темными секретами, которые вызывают необратимые изменения в его сознании. "Slice" предлагает читателям захватывающий психологический триллер, который развивается в остросюжетную историю, полную неожиданных поворотов и потрясающих открытий. Эта книга погрузит вас в мир ужаса и загадок, оставив вас в напряжении до самой последней страницы.

Slice is the first novel (Winner, Booker Prize 2016) by Vinit Shah. It is about a young man (who also narrates C U Talk to Banana) who lives and works at Mangalore's Surya Book Depot. The book is unabridged as it stands at 100 vivid pages. Each page is divided into eight parts giving us a sense of parallel narration.

Abbas first found work in Surya's book depot and this job allowed him to explore and live his life in Mangalore.working or lazing with his nuanced sense of observation, Abbas creates a charming portrait of a backward landscape tinged with magic and rubbish.

Slice Every now and then call resulted in an invitation – that’s all. Nobody named him. Rarely – seldom swallowed – went down to the city once a month, settled back in a cacophony of conversation, held his breath and listened. To voices whose smooth running he yearned to interrupt with a question – but every time failed. Where was Surya? His master, his saviour, devil. Within months of arriving at the backroom, he could have told them all about work. And why – the strangest gig in his young career – never touched pencil to text. On his hero: ‘mohandas’… ‘die-cutter’. And waited for the right moment. Never came: the hour of reckoning gave way to idle afternoons and confusing evenings. Raised arms hoisted by the crowd passed over him, all lounging voices stilled when he showed them the paper with sheet punching neatly cut along pre-set lines. A gift from his hero. All left him with this question: Where is Surya?...At the same time Abbas couldn’t help but wonder somewhere inside, the touch left unfinished, what shall he do with it? Punching? But whom did they bid farewell to; stretched out in the afternoon sun were lovers, Mahesh and Preety, children with Moshe and Aaron in their drunken revelry. Palms roped together, loses in their imbibing. An exchange only to be exchanged between eyes whose sorrow was inevitably mute. First, his portfolio on sale, then away with the money, but didn’t they know in the second hand detritus store of memory, one holds seeds that sprout in strange places? Perhaps if he had finished that envelope of memories this boy might not have wound up here. Entire shelves of blank pages stacked up behind him but without words fled or heard what remained a vacuum. Not wanting to know. Why ask unspeakable questions, trudge an endless road heading in the clutch of landlords. With passport size photographs inviting him away. Away? Where should he go? How would he move? The answers to these questions were ensconced within. But more importantly. Key. More.

Аудиокнига «Slice (Unabridged) - Vinit Shah» написана автором Vinit Shah в году.

Минимальный возраст читателя: 0

Язык: Английский

ISBN: 9781784524357

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Автор: Vinit Shah
  • Категория: Управление продажами
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Язык: Английский
  • Издатель: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9781784524357

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