Hamvas, Béla (1913-2003)

Hamvas Béla is a Hungarian novelist of the generations of transition in prose. He was born in Hungary in 1916, but left his homeland at an early age. 4 years after death of his father and seven years after his mother - suddenly. "It is his own tragedy that is woven into Hamvas's literature", according to one of H. Kapronczay, this great writer, he immediately moves from abroad. After a year-long stay in Rome he came to Paris, for the reissue of the novel was released in France.

"Silentium" was published in 1828 (The other day it would be on April 6th). Poet Christopher Atte will come up with some of his speeches, which will sound like this poem. Despite its shortness - it is a masterpiece. The book contains 8 poems and short essays. It was published before Hamvas came back from the city, in which he lived in the last years. 2 chapters (Le Dernier Parlementaire. M. Haussmann's and Le Bergerin (2)), which are not included in this volume, are present in the Szini utca library (Budapest). Both paragraphs are long, they often overlap each other. The first one (Vienna) was titled The Separation (Dissolution) Parliamentarian, the second - The Shepherd (Shepherdess) Constituent Assembly. With this problem, many critics will deal at the end of 20th - beginning of 21st centuries. Even the translator S. Kostrov will break down with an almost quote letter about this. The collection also includes a brief memoir "Hamvas in Paris", his letter to his wife, as well as translations of letters written by Poet from August 1929, most are to two authors. A terrible tragedy struck him in France, just six months later he moved to Czechoslovakia (then Tchecoslovaquia). Soon he died. This work it is an affirmation of itself Hamvas himself. It can be argued that Bely is still very difficult to read, many verses are written at a "high" level, with which modern poetry rarely takes, and a generally mature and philosophical color has a more "run-of-the-mill" appearance. Others have bright poetic coloring, which become authentic works of art. Its verse made one very vivid pictures

Эта нескончаемая битва за сохранение спокойного духа — противостояние бешеному натиску жизни, сметающей на своем пути всё разумное, на что ей, жизнь, наплевать. Но именно в этой беспощадной схватке и проявляется сила человеческого духа. Лишь доля тех, кто достиг тридцатилетнего возраста — дабы повергнуть искушения и сохранить священный дар молчание, собран в вымышленном городе Клавдионом Домициусе автора. Язык улицы здесь запрещен. Носитель его — проклят и обречен на смерть, задавлен и смят потоком неиссякаемой речи, оглашающей весь город и все крылатой молвы, в которой несть дней, а есть одно лишь листопадное Эхо, черная паучкова сплетня, жадно плодящая свои многообразные личины.

Аудиокнига «Silentium (teljes) - Hamvas Béla» написана автором Hamvas Béla в году.

Минимальный возраст читателя: 0

Язык: Венгерский

ISBN: 9789630995115

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