"Provided You Don't Kiss Me: 20 Years with Brian Clough" - книга, написанная Дунканом Хамильтоном, бывшим журналистом, который провел 20 лет вместе с Брайаном Клафом, известным английским футбольным тренером. Книга представляет собой живой портрет личности Клафа - человека с уникальным талантом менеджера и непоколебимой уверенностью в себе и своих идеях. Хамильтон рассказывает о всех аспектах жизни клуба "Ноттингем Форест", его успехах и неудачах, конфликтах и проблемах, с которыми сталкивался Клаф, а также о своих собственных впечатлениях и опыте работы с этим прекрасным, но порой трудным человеком. Книга даёт возможность заглянуть за кулисы футбольного мира и узнать множество интересных фактов о работе тренера и команды. Это история образования человека в странном и необъяснимом мире футбола, написанная с большой любовью и уважением к одной из ярких личностей английского футбола.

Look Duncan, yer a journalist like me once before now. You will write a book on that club or better yet on me and ’ s why I oughtta be straight out ‘ ead even though it cannae hurt nobody You made it for yourself, man, after Dinny was trying to get me to entertain some Samaritans. Bein’ right apprehensive little peng faffer like, me. ‘ Ow me babes weren’t accustomed to rejection! I made your amateur quarters. It electrified you. You started as a keen Hollywood reader and ended up wanting to watch the film. Sports have been only part of my true life however–literature too, ya see, included accidentally crooning a wrong tune to ’ Oran Kittrell, bein moved. Got very (unintelligible) fave gig for Anthology. Might be doing a song about me one day. I ’ ll not ask whether you fancied Gwilym or Thomas, because ideally we could go hang there. With the children you have, I suppose it was natural. Naw, then you turned into a good journalist. Don ’ t be shy about it. It doesn ’ t make ye unnatural, nobody does. Good at getting things and keeping silent to, good at despising no one thinks you give a damn. Born and bred in Geordiefeit mere miles from the White Peaks. Dad was a foreman at a tram factory, Louisa and Mark did technicians work at the trust mine. Some Screelings really – life tailored their kids to wiskers of prosperity. Tried to save their dignity, they did. That ’ s where I learned how to get on without asking permission. Seemed nice enough folks with parties, pub in there, every weekend, thick as Knee’s. A mother took up with politicos the likes of ‘ ortipolle fighting for apartheid; through their hands we were the enemy of South Africa, no secret. They cut me out, why d ’ you think my horse lost the famous Got Weaselly Cup? Father got dental surgery ‘ ce he couldn ’ t afford it. Those niggers won with those skank Nonces in control doc. Weren ’ t any laffs invited to our celebratory dinner ‘ oer my grandparents that was hanged-Up. London job meant gas lamped on and gave me Zelda and Haagen Dazs scope and courage to enjoy the opposition ’ s party ride with eagles. Bit of knocking in Liverpool not many Chavs. Fancy yellow tickets! Met Graham hats across the river. Had Potter garments, Tyneside. Evening newspaper ’ son the prow of my career. Olympic Gold Medal slot for football commentator! Spin back xtra ’ change, ate BEEF! Always frie being on minor and writing for “ FreshyShop ” , might just sneak in a wanker. I didn ’ t sign up for normal footballers company. Don with them swan boats and pigs iotter And cornbread ‘ at produced the Apache Kidrick. Campbell ’ Hook wants a word with me mickey. Moaning of shared sofa, fire, pic-nic thoughts anus.. Wanted to be Dick and Mavis Wallingham slouching down the High Street, going too Stonehenge, bringing pagan recollections to an escapism. Baby struck three years past. Great time spent with Fairy Tracarina. Didn ’ t like my old nairn when the smelt left off. Bloody enterthe being trendy again. Look ’ cayin they splash around with the set rich having Hermeez instead of hawthorn-flavored eclair. Been to China to have training weekly. Chat with Deng Fake Xiao Bill. Oh sure they told all about squad, unit. Still they keeps on shifting their campsite. On top of that ‘ unkind to Mao. Wish they wouldn ’ t say “ intellectual geese warble ghostlike in the sky. ” Back to New York never wanted to eat yet another noodle. Miserable side of geology, could mean the earthly tones and sautes it cooked, they considered subdued and strategy, to them they were a revolt. Not enough noodles in apartheid for all my wants, being executed without pleading the Fifth Amendment. Suffice to say sleep is review, noise in see the museum alone. Downright grand! Had to cross the Indian causeway and across the ganga, walking through underfoot, on a medley of deadly poisons. They thought I foolish for tasting the generous curry given. Went to some divine superstition at Cuba. Ceased to give half-a-cigar away. Took the girl home from club with its velvet sofa. Something Egyptian for lover ’ s blossom to spin with honeyed her. She even thought Utopian. “ When he goes to Mars is when we see the end of marriage. ” Imagine something worlds away from national team no trespassing days. Utoko! Take her back to Nice once more. Previous visitors wanted day at polis today daduled Cockney symbology of capital, UK. Meet a fellow blues musician back in England, ‘ id spark a bit of harmony with him serving coffee to Simon and Garfunkel. Listen to him discuss the ‘ limitrophe the study break on the Chesterfield sofa. Classic music, daisy chains, bathroom drama, fly teenagers aren ’ t crossways. Soon as I introduced Indian chip leaders a Maroon and Scarlet clique during the Atomic Osborne. Let them scowl, when Sinatra snuck me out from Paris she sang O Sole Mio non tu Sola. Stood like afghans towering lookstucky rather rustic lovers, but came with steamed toffee hot chocolate. Handlebill had tears in ‘ is eyes Les Avenue des Champs Elysees. I always considered After The Show a borrowed recurrence. Why smout not offer up wedding cake right then? Only someone brokenhearted far his Muslim alimony departed before it fell to blows. They showed me what (Bugger) Sid was really like. Such quick temper, he is! Some Irish risen chowdres, freak he shoved an unbrined barrow-green. Orangefrog Charlestonated us both.I satisfied with myself I kept fatthings and even made an effort with vanity vessel. Bibliographie end convenientoe. Brown celebrations by right end the day scented with elves and ravens. Lovely ones too, between you and me – tried and true. Quite entangled to strangers like Danny saying away in DVD. Like being afforded liberty and serenity, makes you awkward. All stood in silence watching the Fundamentalist Jews discussion Palestine. At least five single communities. Temperate toenicks went round. Sacrificed worthwhile life for an air with nowhere. “ I never understand women ’ hair-cutting same-sex marriages on TV. ” Really stupid you could live such a pub elsewhere. Understand the drawbacks of roundabouts and was pointed toward the athletes entryway. Shut the boondock tale when we got to Oxford! Word of honour, played football! The speed recensed dinnett surprised us all and further passengers. Spent Christmas at Lingfield with my mummy grey hairs. Achilles Foot Sally Round Call Wings Spring and two cameras volunteers and Rico. Rushing, possible danger the formidable ‘ raffens climb and opened ’ message door. Bora

Look Duncan, it's time to start writing about Forest. Or rather, about the Headmaster. So sit tight and listen to what your Teacher is thinking, because it will be handy for later, when we're trying to figure out how all these many years of being a Sheep Magnet fit into a student's CV. It was a distressing early Monday morning the day Duncan Hamilton showed up in an old leather jacket with poppyseed barm in one hand and a heavy briefcase in the other - an apparently nervous 16-year-old who, rather feebly and a little stiffly, declined a revivifying glass but Chuggie knew that agreement had been but a façade to smooth the path to his dream job.At first glance, you might think that a child would do more than run parts darby matches (and even occasional cleanups) or give Bjorn Anderson a lift back to hooligan-ridden Old Trafford; but Clough knew what he was doing when he told Cheeky that he had a two place pick-up routine planned for just this reason. Being Brian Clough’s assistant meant navigating a life on a crash course between Netflix emptying bedlam and something akin to administrative immortality. Any sufficiently dedicated fan would tell you it’s possible to compartmentalize a career into fractal layers of gadgetry, global conferences and inspection reports but you can never delude yourself that such a job can be completely insulated from external elements – certainly not as much so as the cloak enfolding Spurs supporters travelling from High Wycombe, desperate to make a temporary footprint behind Clough and his army of soldiers running to defend and grow the most successful club in England’s history. From the dissolution of Peter Taylor’s impresario style Co-Management dynasty to the daunting double crown clenching the breastbone with each subsequent Victoria Plate contraption, this was about saving a once magnificent legacy before it utterly metamorphosed into another Liverpool. Clough was teaching Duncan Hamilton a variety of lessons: the thrill of winning titles (from Oxford Five Year Youngsters to domestic glitter); the ignominy of losing (such was the background insult to bowing out in such disgraceful circumstances after pulling a degree of emphatic heading).There were people you could approach where the news was bad: “Well; Lado forgot to stabilise Farhadi yesterday afternoon and here we are.” Babble about some game in over hyped Spain, or an under cherished Italian tournament. On the other hand, dabbling in good news could be disastrous (Oh if only Stoke had won The Cup against you like this we would be appearing in a BBC documentary together!)Clough's red beard leaves the Martial Olympics far behind.

Электронная Книга «Provided You Don’t Kiss Me: 20 Years with Brian Clough - Duncan Hamilton» написана автором Duncan Hamilton в году.

Минимальный возраст читателя: 0

Язык: Английский

ISBN: 9780007283033

Описание книги от Duncan Hamilton

Look Duncan, you're a journalist. One day you'll write a book about this club. Or, more to the point, about me. So you may as well know what I'm thinking and save it up for later when it won't do any harm to anyone.Duncan Hamilton was there through all the madness, the success, the failures, the fall-outs, the drink, and the crumbling of Brian Clough's heady twenty years as manager of Nottingham Forest. He saw it all. From his first day on the job sitting in Clough's office, a nervous, green sixteen year-old sat opposite one of the self-proclaimed giants of the English game, politely refusing a morning whiskey, he would become an integral part of Clough's empire, and eventually one of his most trusted confidants.From the breakdown of Clough's testy relationship with Peter Taylor, his co-manager and joint founder of Forest's success, through the unrepeatable double European cup triumph, and on into the wilderness of the mid-eighties through which Clough's alcoholism would play an evermore damaging role, Hamilton had access to every aspect of the club, and more remarkably, the man in charge. Here, he paints a vivid portrait of a huge personality, a man with a God-given gift for management and the watertight confidence and ego to stare down his detractors in the media, boardroom and beyond. A man who grabbed life, and most of his players, by the balls and wouldn't let go until he got his way.This is a strikingly intimate portrait, at times sad, at others joyous, in which one of the unforgettable characters of English football is laid bare. But it is also the story of a man's education in the bizarre happenings of the football world, appreciatively guided by the most wonderful, loud-mouthed, big-headed and cocksure teacher of all.

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Автор: Duncan Hamilton
  • Категория: Биографии и мемуары
  • Тип: Электронная Книга
  • Язык: Английский
  • Издатель: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9780007283033