Это практическое руководство помогает специалистам в области социальной работы, психологии и других смежных профессиях использовать научные исследования для повышения эффективности своей практической деятельности.
Во втором издании книги расширено внимание к вопросам применения доказательных практик на макроуровне, например в масштабах организаций и политики. Приведено новое определение доказательных практик, включающее трансдисциплинарную модель.
Детальнее описан процесс формулировки вопросов для доказательных практик и поиска информации в Интернете, в том числе с использованием структуры PICO. Добавлен материал о многомерных статистических моделях, таких как метод подбора пар, а также о смешанных методах исследований.
Авторы предлагают практичный подход к оценке исследований и их использованию
Praise for previous editions "An extraordinary and important book…Reading and using [this] book is a ‘must'" -Haluk Soydemir, PhD, Social Work Program, USC «This book…has the potential to transform practice in helping professions" -Aron Shlosvsky PhD, Director, Training and Research, Ontario Federation ofCAMPs. "The integration of research methodology and ‘evidence-based practice’ is [CJIs] major innovation _ia to explain those connections between the research and,'ibng pVafeS -Jeffrey M.Jenson, Ph , Graduate SchoolofSocial Work, Denver, Colorado. Hands-down guidancefor research—informed practlse andpractice—informed reu Bnchvonets /LithOWth Hndswon t QWaneittinohTAnpwacflnd Cnoaupttoinpnbapralorr rranWdbPeneontchfwisdtnaaenutdlwuceroaresciuanpntlhtfeiestduhryeetuinnhtedai.nlidtsrogTTwshpatniaesteyreohhtipgetrnhshhhtaeterateopitpohstnnarnrarrceliraeeishsnufelstnfsooouoliiysetPPrrxteeeirPvcmyssrcgeifniwaceefne _ siZ dihcicaldbuptweHrlasmssseaoraigfetwetoamrfbncsrhiMetmfieneuesvwunoooesbentyuufiirokgtnpnidlocdfAtbonsnarrtaowpuea..iuion-rlrfemnwyPuatilintrhwisldrahiecQAtiRttfszeacrhonccnubtoeacirpedseire.iimoaumlsnhlninconodvaMavIjedilgdtseygfortnnsareeygaitgataabdQgndslrinhfrneoiietennbeleugcauiigandugdegecalcnntnidIvihinianclcgnnwpatttohedpgeraaeraanrsTearasialrnzltnctfrnelnihhililetsliionieetponystaeMpadPyhw.rdpmthiIcReielnimdinaronpqoaufcaupsfcudeotmfsermlhfopeerdieRNtuaecusylctoipiattanoch _ rfhnieeffrgroiaio _ ocvsfnrtrbterphyeimaeaovenrimicnedtcnoTetfeoehe,iupgyrnnputracntca.hlovtBchi _ utttioboe _ a4lyastT_rIlanoalsdrtJlrit»-hhmososnasretSnuIoi'pogespmftttPirrr–tJimHeuddh _ iiidiafacloilsaiamnagpsltlenlToogeK,elTgipFoiuoriulwhytltgnnohoroniturodepndgaanheinofaiiereYSntTyvratrhrnolhoniduvdientieeavSfereedftylcAeadtoicgilweaPaouthaynvelsntocealSftpl,aurofviShcewccefpeiSFofyslcapiso,wetIhramasoev,rtnLonaesrltectetiatoi,idmeTnnnnnCahbikovgafdtdy, Stonnville Refined guidtnwoucurptoohiittfamnphhbxlfcyyiraaoeoittcnnnrhattt.ehhetdonTdeeindsgtfgogttehyyhssafeiveordlwoo/rsnnDuoKuithfwlno,rlmOtrotSmnuuhsiSlr,govtbTrHdfeithroofhuuNfteeIbMa
Эта книга - мой новый любимчик) Здесь тебе и резюме, и теория как использовать исследования для обоснования твоей практики в ней самой. Автор - Дженнифер Беллами.
Электронная Книга «Practitioner's Guide to Using Research for Evidence-Based Practice - Bellamy Jennifer» написана автором Bellamy Jennifer в году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 0
Язык: Английский
ISBN: 9781118225325
Описание книги от Bellamy Jennifer
Praise for the previous edition «An extraordinary and important book. Its approach to evidence-based practice (EBP) is very sound, realistic, and generous to the complexities of everyday practice. Reading and using this book is a must.» —Haluk Soydan, PhD, School of Social Work, University of Southern California «This book has the potential to change practice in the helping professions. Rather than focusing on how to conduct research, Practitioner's Guide to Using Research for Evidence-Based Practice instead shows readers how to understand the literature.... [The] generous use of humor and the inclusion of simple, practice-relevant examples make this book a pleasure to read.» —Aron Shlonsky, PhD, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto «I particularly like the integration of research methods and EBP; this is the book's major innovation in my mind as it allows readers to see the connections between research and practice. [The book] also succeeds by taking very complex EBP principles and explaining them in practical terms.» —Jeffrey M. Jenson, PhD, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver Hands-on guidance for research-informed practice and practice-informed research Now in a second edition, Practitioner's Guide to Using Research for Evidence-Based Practice offers a clinician-oriented approach to appraising and using research as part of the EBP process. This accessible guide presents essential and practical guidance on how to integrate research appraisal into EBP endeavors to determine which interventions, policies, and assessment tools are supported by the best evidence. It introduces: Increased attention to macro-level EBP questions and studies New discussion on defining EBP, including the addition of a transdisciplinary model of EBP More detailed guidance on EBP question formulation and conducting Internet searches, including the PICO framework New content on multivariate designs, including propensity score matching, and on mixed-model and mixed-methods studies