Книга "Nowhere to Hide. Why Kids with ADHD and LD Hate School and What We Can Do About It" предлагает новый подход к помощи детям с нарушениями внимания и гиперактивностью (ADHD) и обучению (LD), чтобы они могли успешно учиться не только в школе, но и за ее пределами. Автор, нейропсихолог и консультант по вопросам образования, рассматривает последствия стресса, связанного с этими нарушениями, и токсическое влияние этого стресса на учебу, социальные навыки, поведение и работу мозга. В книге представлены практические стратегии, которые помогут родителям и учителям понимать, почему дети с нарушениями внимания и обучения испытывают такой стресс в школе и с домашними заданиями. Книга также содержит полезные шкалы оценки, чек-листы и печатные графики для использования в школе и дома. Это важный ресурс, написанный преподавателем Гарвардской медицинской школы в отделе психиатрии и бывшим учителем.

Helmut Schmidt once said: "In a world dominated by nuclear weapons, it's impossible to win a war, the only thing you can do is not to lose it." If we could ignore principals like those, we wouldn't be dealing with existential crises like our current epidemic of students with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Learning Disabilities (LD). It seems humankind has a real problem with them and may need more than the occasional anti-inflammatory to sooth the itchy trigger finger. Thankfully, there's another approach we can pursue to help people with these conditions succeed—and that's one in which they become obsessed with reducing required stress levels to zero. Written by Edward Hallowell, MD, and illustrated by the author, Nowhere To Hide is a novel paradigm shifting intervention designed to help those with ADD and LD overcome the many challenges they face both inside and outside of class.

Электронная Книга «Nowhere to Hide. Why Kids with ADHD and LD Hate School and What We Can Do About It - Edward Hallowell M.» написана автором Edward Hallowell M. в году.

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Язык: Английский

ISBN: 9781118091708

Описание книги от Edward Hallowell M.

A new approach to help kids with ADHD and LD succeed in and outside the classroom This groundbreaking book addresses the consequences of the unabated stress associated with Learning disabilities and ADHD and the toxic, deleterious impact of this stress on kids' academic learning, social skills, behavior, and efficient brain functioning. Schultz draws upon three decades of work as a neuropsychologist, teacher educator, and school consultant to address this gap. This book can help change the way parents and teachers think about why kids with LD and ADHD find school and homework so toxic. It will also offer an abundant supply of practical, understandable strategies that have been shown to reduce stress at school and at home. Offers a new way to look at why kids with ADHD/LD struggle at school Provides effective strategies to reduce stress in kids with ADHD and LD Includes helpful rating scales, checklists, and printable charts to use at school and home This important resource is written by a faculty member of Harvard Medical School in the Department of Psychiatry and former classroom teacher.

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