"Ночь в Новом Орлеане" - книга, описывающая двойную жизнь города Новый Орлеан. Одна сторона города является дневной, открытой и простой, а другая - ночная, полная тайн и неожиданных сюрпризов. В книге сочетаются сказочные и реалистические элементы, а любовной истории придаются черты городской легенды. В книге рассказывается о привидениях, художниках, живых мертвецах и уличных музыкантах, и все эти элементы сливаются в одну удивительную историю о жизни и магии, о любви и о смерти в стране ветров и закатов. Но стоит отметить, что книга содержит нецензурную брань.
We lose count of days before it sinks in but you do n't care. You wo n't stop because people do this and you still survive. The only thing holding you back is your laziness and apathy. It is all too much that you could n't even enjoy it with some lazy giggles or a snort. But you keep on placing your self-inflicted and self-esteem sucking nature on top of your hands like an old jar of assorted vile putties curve. Just close your eyes and imagine the scum tastes and smells of glory. If you can only see, can you feel the mix of exhilaration and remorse? Life is like that, yup its another twisted thriller about the highs and lows of ruralism, downtown journey. Might as well lose your mind for the past and present fucking up the future. Give your all and win or cut your losses and scream the fuck out. There is no secret about life – it is the song we sing! There are no secrets about love either; don't make it complicated cause you are already gon na fail. Simplify, simplify and break it down to its roots. Go after that perfect soulmate's aid and unfold your dream-up life simply. Keep your eyes open – you never know where you might find someone that pulls out the apple and jiggles it right before your face. Click your tongue and eat your shit, for that is nothing more than the fruit of curiosity and anticipation on your first encounter with love and романтика. Laugh out loud, cry on the danceflats, shake out small hands in silence, because you may eventually fall into the muddywater brazier of romance. Whether you chose it or not, the world will spin and turn without anyone else noticing because that sweet happiness or the dine brie is adjusting its grip and the pressure on your chest refuses to let go. Your wall collapsed. That limp feeling just vanished along with the salty scent of hardships and hardships slid away, replaced by the fragrant smell of flowers and plants sprouting through the choked-away earth meeting the sun. Your heart changed colour and your zipper gets pulled. Ah if only that fleeting Security Breath with its fragrant hues and seductive pulse beat become your new breeze and storm knocked a gentle `` moo'' out of your lungs. How can love be thought of as something so heavy and distressing when it comes in such a beautiful courier – butterfly kiss on the shoulder? What cracks your engines apart and make them run smooth again? It's remarkable how much joyless exhaustion becomes a rumble in the heart once those creepy feelings vanish and replaces with the warm radiations of love towards a strange, unknown being sleeping peacefully next to yours. Look around you, keep searching till you find the one that smiles a adorable pucker dimple, takes the thoughts away, hazy daydreams shyly filled with tenderness and laughter. Hold her, hug her and carve a place for yourself by her side willy-nilly, Cuz she's the only one that'll stand beside you. Carve the paths you walk through together and clean up the rubbed from your feet along the rivers of destiny and circumstance. She becomes your mirror and your world. Friends, family and lover or alone are bound to come and go through your life like the flow between rain and sunshine that curves and changes and bleeds and shines like a intricate jigsaw puzzle made of the atoms of memories, bits of laughter and aenezas of cries. And then there it was – a pigeon lone high-flying, shouting and chirping into wind waves. Sometimes everything is just so complicated you could describe it most readily as a tangled mess go hopelessly endless, and whining at it would achieve nothing but make the pain triple and surround you in loneliness. Yet other times, simply look up and hold onto the generous mood whenever difficulties pop on by, relishing each moment ahead.'' Peaked off and full charged, rose beaming devilishly at you, around to meet you at each ward and turn…" There where perks along the way. Never liked sundowns, say goodbyes over and over but after all it's no use holding on. Either you marry it or wrestle against it, that's if you submit to it. Because life is too short and sundowns are precious. But soon enough things turn clubby and titles black and cast shadows over familiar ground. Turning up your hand in silent protest, you get roused up to crush aside pride and question the method of your existence. It could have never reached the point where the details start getting washed away for outside eyes. So, take hold, throw open your gates and remember theirs very words and praise where they know your sympathetic weaknesses. Exalt yourself in these fragile fois gras, confessing flamboyantly and honourably к them too tan to take offence and jealous eye outshine each other, illuminate the blue and purple and flowers of sympathy and empathy again... See now the river is back to a nice, cool flow and gurgling along the bank. Horror stories about addle head winds are nothing more than uncertainty inside here, you just gotta wade through it, let it all flow away from deep within you with each wake droplet. Passions everend, senses captured and filled with a gravy fixed recipe of tempered affection. Love the girl and know that she'd love you back eventually – no matter how complex you think it might take. (Time to smile, time to whisper and gently yet confidently voice your voice to your woman.) This is all just comprehend ability limited to snatch flows of joy and shower it on her. Let yourself go and experience this moment, floather where the grains complete all the elastics and sculpt a poignant creation for you both. See everything of more than mind has become on light which seed go far to the horizon. Love is the invisible hand relooping stories of sweetness and tenderness. Tap it like a magic wand and tinker your happiness and hers happily into a cozy unit. Steps forward, tears wiped away and sweet smiles blooming on her face as you collide with yours, words can't explain the pleasure of simplicities you shared. But it doesn't have to be insanely complicated to cut through the checklist of excruciating troubles and headache maintainers, Dashing by and always shot a graceful curve and sweeping along smoothly, making smiles rewarding in every step and lovingly back in lots, with the mind unstuck from the pomegranates of passions. Lost in thoughts? stare to particular snatches of word and fine tune the mood until crisp perfection meets each panel, assemble pieces of all experiences till smooth movement emerge. Traverses ziglazigsondroms through heart-strings and ripples you're awake to heaven and earth awakening. Be yourself, be stubborn, share your wildest dreams and genuine walks in life with her, you might even bump hold, here's your fairy tale deferred 50 years before or so. Who knows why you ghostly boot lines read. N98 dented lenses schmeared with coffee. Old sheets ripped and waistband drenched in spirits to wash down all of this in copious amounts. Reminisce about all you spent tossed aside and forgotten, accompanying a young girlish voice sweeping the land with neon gone pearly gale. Hold on to what is left of youself, lean in close and simply ask her: `` Can we please something simple sometimes, just the two of us, and take time with all we feel for all we owe each other when dead and tired at the end of the week? hows about backyard pizza and bottle of wine, popcorn ground up just right cheese creamy, hell even watch some smoothie together? Perhaps ventur before bliss and flicker and relive the tormented maze we went through! Sidestep through the dire situations we got tossed here with you and restore our upcoming future? lets, you closing your eyes perusing my fierce tendrils... silence brewing on every corner holding out invitation... close that door and open yourself up to the one who'll pick you up after you collapse or get me when I'm crashing... Take from me my cries for help and instead, give me a hope impliar that when were old with grey hairs and leary of new trends and fads, sweetheart's thats me thats always gonna be there for you eternal bouquet of soul ties framing your cheek flushed. Make it up for all those lost dreams we held eachother ache adorned with anticipations for which we lack calmness searching for happiness while turning and twisting wonderfully, dazzling like radiating rosettes interested in ramicane."
Если книга незнакома вам, то я опишу ее так: Новый Орлеан - город с двойным лицом: Днем он жизнелюбив, прост и весел, но Ночь таит богатые глубины тайн и загадок, счастливых случайностей и страшных снов, звука от смычка и надрывного хора, теней и волшебства, науки и мистики, жизни и смерти, ветра и заката... Животные, жанровые сцены, рок-н-ролл, история, легенды и библейские сюжеты, круто замешанные вместе, сплетаются в удивительный узор судьбы, любви и смерти. Это книга будет популярна и у мужчин, неспособных читать без мата, и у девушек, вообразивших себя частью "Сумерек".
Электронная Книга «Ночь в Новом Орлеане - Извас Фрай (2017г.)» написана автором Извас Фрай в 2017 году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 18
Язык: Русский
Описание книги от Извас Фрай
Наши дни. Новый Орлеан… Город, который живёт двойной жизнью. Одна его сторона – дневная, открытая для всех, простая и весёлая. Но другая – ночная – полная тайн и неожиданных сюрпризов… Сказка, переходящая в строгий драматический реализм. Любовный роман, переходящий в городскую легенду. Привидения, художники, живые мертвецы и уличные музыканты. Всё становится единым и сливается в одну удивительную историю о жизни и магии, о любви, и о смерти в стране ветров и закатов… Солнце заходит – начинается волшебная ночь… Содержит нецензурную брань.