"Marrying Dr. Maverick" by Karen R. Smith is a romantic comedy set in the small town of Montana. The book follows Vet Dr. Brooks Smith as he announces his upcoming marriage to his assistant, Jazzy. Despite the marriage being a business deal, Jazsy sets out in earnest to turn Dr. Smith's 'wedding fever' into lifelong commitment.
As an accidental matchmaker, he joins forces with Jazzy in a bid to bridge the obstacles that come their way in convincing her boss to stop drifting in work and start focusing on planning his own future happiness. Joined by Jazzy's friends and family, they find themselves with the task of making sure that Dr. Smith marries the love of his life, while also dealing with secrets both personal and professional.
The novel's heart-warming message is that love sometimes comes disguised as a business opportunity, but it can still triumph when care and compassion go hand in hand. The story is told through humorous dialogue, witty exchanges, and personal revelations that take readers on an enjoyable ride as they discover the true value of friendship, family, and love for their partners.
"Marrying Dr. Maverick", Karen R. Smith brings readers an inspiring and charming read about life's adventures, hilarious characters, and the strength of relationships that go beyond expectations.
Электронная Книга «Marrying Dr Maverick - Karen Rose Smith» написана автором Karen Rose Smith в году.
Минимальный возраст читателя: 0
Язык: Английский
Серии: Mills & Boon Cherish
ISBN: 9781472005519
Описание книги от Karen Rose Smith
Vet Dr Brooks Smith, the most confirmed bachelor in all of Montana, is getting married to his new assistant, Jasmine “Jazzy” Cates!Rumours are this “love match” is just a business proposition, but sweet Jazzy is planning to turn her convenient husband’s wedding fever into a lifelong condition.