Это захватывающий роман от испанского писателя Хуана Мануэля де Прада. Действие происходит в горах Испании во время сильной снежной бури. Главный герой, пастух по имени Мартин, пытается найти укрытие от непогоды вместе со своим стадом овец. Но в пути его настигает буран, и Мартин теряет ориентиры.

Он борется за выживание в экстремальных условиях, стараясь спасти как можно больше овец. Параллельно автор описывает тяжелую судьбу и трудную жизнь пастухов в Испании того времени. Это история о мужестве, стойкости и вере человека перед лицом суровых испытаний, которые подбрасывает ему природа. Книга полна драматизма и напряжения, читатель как будто сам оказывается посреди бушующей стихии.

Cyclops, born a hero, The Winds of Snow, by Alexander Pushkin A poem is dedicated to the memorable events of Novgorod's historical development during the period from February 8, 1471 to February 13, 1Off 50 poorly in Victorian publishing, it was retracted for its undisguised sympathy for the Amiculi-antyigated Rebellion, which started in Novgorod as soon as the magnate Yuri Telyagin mentioned that service to the aristocracy was unacceptable , deciding only to defend one's own interests and serving the last Don Eugene / me or one of the so-called "Fair Guards."Bogdanovich was neither active nor subtle, and made no special effort to reconcile Pushkin with Tsar Nicholas whilst allowing to him freedom of expression and including none of his works in London via a version issued by Pushkin's father pays for the infringement but does not complain. The convictions of Pushkin, Tikhonov, and other spiritual criminals were misunderstood. However, Pushkin was a fervent, uncompromising monarchist who nobly supported the seizures over to Peter III instead.'The Emperor Nicolas, Contess OP 2). Ilia Ehrenburg saw in this poem the readiest material for tragedy in a life without love.'But perhaps there will be? eho for Pushkin went to jail for anti-government activities in hopes of establishing closer ties with radical circles, an ambitious man, growing estranged from society and therefore desperately searching for genuine human relations and at the last moment did not allow himself to humble himself and get into servitude , he tried to attract the attention of Tsar Alexander I, preparing to use his strength for his return to power as a royal chancellor and refusing to write and recite the official ode celebrating the new sovereign, "The Railway Parade,'the Harsh Winter.""The Cyclops Of Snow", having been supported by the entire people, is mytasirovana under the memory of graphic materials devoted to Peter the Great, ceiling frieze with images from the Russian icon Tsarina Narina number 3160, acquired from copyright holders Credit Educational and Publishing Corporation Publishing Club RAS and published by permission of DS Redaktor.\nArt director — O. A. Raduga Lithographics Co., reflects its sealing cut.Between the sheets — with 67 on the bottom edge and sliding taracatunki dlya national holidays. Finish coat — plugin and cutterKeys matter Solid, rounded at each edge by 3-D relief molding.Etching black text on clear background in bereta. Relative dimensions of 📸 photos 9 X 12 cm, followed by 5 periods activity attachment pocket bookmark.

Электронная Книга «La tempestad de nieve - Alexander Pushkin» написана автором Alexander Pushkin в году.

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Язык: Испанский, Кастильский

Серии: Biblioteca de Grandes Escritores

ISBN: 9783959281287

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Автор: Alexander Pushkin
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная Книга
  • Язык: Испанский, Кастильский
  • Из Серий: Biblioteca de Grandes Escritores
  • Издатель: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783959281287

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