What is love

  • Автор темы ViNand
  • 209
  • Обновлено
  • 22, Jun 2020
  • #1
How do your halves show their love for you? Yulia - even if you will love your whole life - you still will not answer. He who knows does not speak, But he who does not know. This secret differs from secret.

And love is a secret. And she created us, not we her.

Loving hearts are the children of Love. Good luck in knowing the mystery.

A simpleton - but you're funny however.

Do you really think that it is hormones that protect children and loved ones from enemies, And this is not love, but hormones only push poets and artists to work?

And you are not from the kind of ball case? And I said recently that you are peeing and looking for sites.

Is it really a compromise? Or ordinary plagiarism? Spread it?

By the way, judging by your blog, if you are not a Jew, then you do not need to go to the hospital but to the church.

Your diagnosis is really difficult.

This diagnosis is called charm, and if the church with God's help cannot be cured, then soon you will become a schizo and Downs will only be left to envy.

Love is the release of several hormones into the brain! Everything to the point of banality is simple

They don’t show their love for me ... After a couple of years, when everything has already passed in a conversation, we find out what we liked each other ... at the same time.

But no one showed the mind.

Here the most important thing is that DO IT AS YOU WANT TO COME WITH YOU and you will have everything ...!

Love is an attitude based on voluntary self-denial.

Most often used to denote relationships between people, but there is a love of ideas and objects.

Love should be distinguished both from mutually beneficial partnerships (friendships), and from mania (paranoia) - blind, unaccountable obsession.

In love, the notion of free choice and self-denial, which extends to extreme manifestations to mutual suicide, is important.


If our love depends on appearance, then when our appearance fades, our love disappears.

If our love depends on feelings - when feelings weaken or suddenly change, our love is at risk.

If our love is attached to memories, and they are forgotten, then our love is forgotten too.

If love clings to form, then, with the dissolution of form, as it should be - love dies.

Is there love that does not depend on form or feeling, appearance or history? Is there love without conditions and without end? Is there love that is not familiar with the illness, death, and transience of things? Is there love that is so close to you and so intimate that even the word love is too heavy to express?

We do not strive for love, do not seek it, do not borrow and do not steal it, we do not buy or sell love, we do not even become it. Love is what we are.

This is a huge force of universes, holding the planets in their orbits and drops of morning dew on a blade of grass in the first light of the day.

Without love, without a deep interconnection of things sewn in our hearts, without this deep knowledge that we are inseparable from everything that we see, all the riches of the world become nothing.

Love is all.

~ Jeff Foster


Love does not need a reason, and this is the beauty of love and the freedom of love.

Hatred is an addiction.

Hatred is a prison, the imprisonment you have imposed on yourself.

Hatred creates hatred; hatred provokes hatred.

If you hate someone, then you provoke self-hatred in the heart of this person.

And the whole world exists in hatred, in destruction, in violence, in jealousy, in rivalry.

People grabbed each other in the throat, if not in reality then, at least in the mind, in thoughts, everyone kills, kills.

That is why we made hell out of this beautiful land that could be a paradise.

Love, and the earth will again become a paradise.

And the great beauty of love is that it does not need a reason.

Love comes from you for no reason.

This is your overflowing bliss, this is the heart that you share.

This is the song of your being that you share.

And it is so joyful when someone shares.

Sharing, just to share, for nothing else.

But, the love that you knew in the past is not the love that the Buddha speaks of or that I speak of.

Your love is nothing but the other side of hatred.

Therefore, your love has reasons: someone yesterday was beautiful for you, he was so sweet that you felt great love for him.

This is not love; this is the other side of hatred - the reasons prove it.

Or someone may like you tomorrow: the way he smiled at you, how he spoke to you, how he invited you to his home, tomorrow he may love you.

And great love arises.

But this is not the love that the Buddhas talk about.

This is hate disguised as love - that is why your love can turn into hate at any moment.

Scratch a person only a little, and love disappears, and hatred will arise.

Enough even a slight scratch.

Even the so-called great lovers are constantly fighting, continuously grabbing each other by the throat, whining, destroying.

And people think that this is love ...

Your love is not true love, it is its opposite.

It is hate disguised as love, camouflaged as love, displayed as love.

True love has no reason.

She does not think about yesterday, does not think about tomorrow.

True love is a spontaneous wave of joy in you, and the desire to share it, and pouring it out for no reason, no reason, only for the joy of sharing this feeling.



29 Apr, 2012



