Website Promotion in Yandex

  • Автор темы ViNand
  • 336
  • Обновлено
  • 15, Jun 2020
  • #1
Website promotion in Yandex as a whole is more difficult than in Google, since the Russian-language search engine has more stringent requirements for the quality of web pages - it’s very easy to get into a filter.

Sometimes this happens for reasons that are not very clear, so it is advisable to approach the promotion in Yandex with all possible attention and responsibility.
Internal optimization
The small number of pages on the site is the main reason that you can’t get to the top of the ranking.

Therefore, the optimizer needs to strive to increase the pages on which content with relevant search queries will be placed.

A site that has too few pages or has posted a popular query on just one page is simply unrealistic to get into the TOP.

However, the presence of a large number of pages with keywords still does not guarantee getting into the TOP - other factors must be taken into account when promoting.
• Subject of article
Since Yandex began to attach great importance to whether the text of the article corresponds to the key request, you need to try to place the keywords in those articles whose topic intersects with the subject of the request.

The surrounding text is very important for determining the relevance of the page, so you need to choose the content very carefully.
• Snippet
In Yandex, it is quite difficult with the formation of a snippet. Unlike Google, which takes snippets directly from the description meta tag, Yandex uses a different mechanism. Learning how to work with snippets is very important for any webmaster who is counting on successful promotion.
• Re-optimization
Many articles have already been written about excessive optimization. But it will be useful to recall that the requirements for the quality and readability of content are increasing, so that texts are not oversaturated with keywords.
Also, for promotion in Yandex, the trust and age of the domain are very important.

These concepts are interconnected.

The trust value directly depends on how long the domain has been indexed.

If the site has not been noticed in violation during this time, then over time the trust can grow significantly, and this greatly simplifies the promotion.
External optimization
In recent years, it has become especially noticeable that previous methods using link promotion began to work much worse.

External links are no longer a guarantee that Yandex considers the page relevant.

Even if the site is several years old, it may turn out that the links will not be able to help break into the TOP, since the promotion will stop somewhere in the 50th position and even the purchase of a new number of links will not allow you to move.

Therefore, it is worth using complex promotion methods.
When the Yandex search bot indexes the link, it will start working only after the next update.

This directly affects the timing of the promotion and we must admit that in Yandex, it goes quite slowly.

On the other hand, the results achieved in Yandex are much more stable, especially due to the natural link mass.

Since the search engine takes into account the weight of the link, which in turn depends on age, it is better not to contact the temporary link exchanges, but to choose the best quality advertising platforms.
It should be remembered that when placing links on donor sites, you need to make sure that the link anchors are not repeated. The more diverse the anchors - the more natural the link mass looks, which means that there is less risk of falling under Yandex filters.
Website promotion in Yandex should be comprehensive, it should take into account everything, including behavioral factors - only in this case it will be possible to count on successful promotion.

Today, many prefer to receive the necessary information or product through the Internet.

This is due to the fact that a person is always looking for the easiest ways to get the things he needs. Agree, it’s quite convenient to buy goods without leaving, at the same time, even from the room. In this regard, many stores have created sites that posted beautiful pictures of their products.

Of course, just drawings to attract the attention of customers will not be enough. After all, there is more than one server that offers many bonuses.
And in high competition, you must stay at the peak of popularity. And Yandex website promotion will help in this. Thanks to this service, your site will become in demand, as it will have a direct link to the search engine.
Each request for a similar product that you sell will give out information about your site.
It is worth noting that website promotion is a service that is available to everyone. In this case, you get only the pros. Your server is becoming one of the most visited and popular.
And this means that the level of sales is growing. In addition, the demand for goods is increasing.
Therefore, entrust the promotion of your site to professionals and then you can become a successful businessman.
To do this, you need to seek help from specialists who provide their services quickly and efficiently.
Years of experience have allowed to do site promotion in the best way.


29 Apr, 2012



