Pacific Records

  • Автор темы ViNand
  • 191
  • Обновлено
  • 19, Jun 2020
  • #1
1. The total area of the Pacific Ocean is (approx.

178 million km2), it is more than the area of the entire land of the Earth (approx.

149 million km2). 2. The Pacific Ocean accounts for 49.8% of the total area of the World Ocean. 3. The Pacific Ocean contains more than half of all water on Earth (about 700.7 million km3 out of 1340 million km3). 4. The Pacific Ocean is the deepest on Earth.

Its average depth is about 3.9 km. 5. This is the warmest of the oceans, since its widest part is located near the equator. 6. The Pacific Ocean is the oldest. 7. In the Pacific Ocean, most of the islands of the earth are located.

It took Magellan about 17 weeks to cross the Pacific.

With the "light hand" of Magellan, the world's largest ocean became known as the "quiet"! However, the famous traveler was simply lucky, during his many months of travel across the ocean, calm and sunny weather was on the expanses of this giant, which is probably why Magellan decided to call the ocean opened by him “quiet”! And yet this great ocean is by no means quiet, and if you list its records, then one of them will be the one that the Pacific Ocean is the most turbulent among all the oceans on Earth.

It is in the largest ocean that the most severe storms occur and more often than in other oceans.

The storm waves of the Pacific Ocean are the largest and most destructive, in addition, they can reach a height of 40-60 meters. The Pacific Ocean and the warmest, the temperature in the surface layers of water at the equator can reach up to 30 degrees.

This is the deepest ocean, both in average oceanic depth and in absolute, in the Mariana Trench, the depth of which is almost 11 km. In the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean, tsunamis most often occur, more powerful and stronger than in other oceans.

The ocean area is simply colossal and reaches almost 200 million square kilometers.

From north to south, the great ocean stretched almost 16 thousand km, and from west to east almost 20 thousand km. By the number and diversity of species, flora and fauna, the Pacific Ocean also comes first.

By the number of rare and ancient marine animals and organisms, he is also a leader.

By the number of islands, the Pacific Ocean is far ahead, bypassing all other oceans of the Earth. The Pacific Ocean is extremely rich in useful resources, in the depths of the ocean floor there are huge reserves of gas, oil, manganese, tin, iron ore and non-ferrous metals.

It is simply impossible to overestimate the commercial value of this ocean, because the Pacific Ocean is also a leader in catching valuable species of fish.


29 Apr, 2012



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